Helping your kid set study goals


Studycat Editorial Team


Find out how to set your child’s realistic study goals that will help him or her excel at school.

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Forcing your child to be the best in his class is not healthy at all. In fact, he might resent school or develop fears about studying or school.

He might withdraw and lose all focus if constantly berated. Instead of forcing him to be an achiever, motivate your child by providing constant encouragement and guidance.

Helping your kid set study goals is another really good way of giving him self-motivation to perform well at school.

Mr Benjamin Yang — Director of Business Development for Epigami, a tuition agency dedicated to improving the quality of tutoring outside of the formal education system — offers this great advice when it comes to helping your child set study goals:

“Let the kid set his/her own goals and then you, as the parent, can come in to advise on whether the goal should be adjusted. This allows the kid to take charge of his/her learning and be responsible for his/her own grades.

Afterwards, review if the goal is accomplished and ask your kid why they did not score lower! They will come up with the reasons as to why they did well and this positively reinforces good lifelong habits when it comes to learning.”

Here are some more useful points for you to keep in mind when it comes to your child’s study goals:

1. Study goals will only work if your child personally wants to achieve them

If they are indeed motivated to perform well in school, help them do this at home in every way you can.

Help make your child more comfortable by providing him a study nook with a study lamp, table and chair as well as other essentials like a dictionary, encyclopedias and other references. Offer them some healthy snacks and refreshments as well.

2. Set practical and realistic study goals

In setting study goals, make sure to advice your child to be practical and realistic. If they are having problems with a certain school subject, it might be best for them to aim for a B grade instead of an A immediately.

Doing so will not only make the goal attainable for them but it would prevent them from being so pressured that they might want to give up.

Do not let them ignore the subjects that they are already excelling in. Instead of aiming for consistent high grades on those subject, talk them into getting more involved in clubs or contests related to those subjects.

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3. Be involved

Involve yourself in your child’s study goals by offering to tutor them in certain subjects you are competent in. If you like math, teach your child certain techniques on how to simplify it.

Your child will continuously be on track if someone is constantly offering guidance.

Involve yourself in your child’s study goals by offering to tutor them in certain subjects you are competent in.

4. Assist your kid

Once your child is motivated enough to start accomplishing his study goals, assist them in making a visual chart that shows what they need to do. Aside from listing the objectives, set the time frame as well.

Some goals may only be for the particular school quarter while others might be for the entire school year.

The constant reminder of what needs to be achieved will not only keep them grounded and on schedule but it will also give them a sense of pride if they see the study goals that they have already managed to attain.

Additionally, provide evidences of all their hard work and most especially if they accomplishe a certain goal. Do not hesitate to take pictures of them studying, their school card with improved grades, all the stars they got from his teachers, and all their completed school projects.

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5. Rewards

When your child has accomplished a certain goal, celebrate it. Small or big goals, it is still a goal achieved. Offer a variety of rewards like extra servings of their favorite desserts, an additional hour of TV, a new book, a day out with the whole family and more.

Giving rewards and acknowledging your child’s achievements will help boost their confidence and self-esteem.