Oh, Susanna song lyrics
Oh, I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee,
I'm going to Louisiana, my true love for to see.
It rained all night the day I left, the weather it was dry,
The sun so hot, I froze to death; Susanna, don't you cry.
Oh, Susanna, oh don't you cry for me,
For I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee.
I had a dream the other night when everything was still,
I thought I saw Susanna coming up the hill.
The buckwheat cake was in her mouth, the tear was in her eye,
I said, I come from Dixieland, Susanna, don't you cry.
Oh, Susanna, oh don't you cry for me,
For I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee.
About the Oh, Susanna song
“Oh, Susanna” is a minstrel song by Stephen Foster, and it’s been a beloved tune for ages, whisking folks off to the land where the skies are not cloudy all day. It’s a song that tells a tale — a story of a fella with a banjo on his knee, heading to Louisiana to see his dear Susanna.
It’s a little slice of Americana, full of adventure and sweet affection.
What can your child learn from it?
Singing “Oh, Susanna” can be a joyful way to explore history, culture, and geography, all wrapped up in a catchy tune. It’s a musical map that takes children across the United States and into the arms of the warm South.
Plus, music and rhythm are fantastic for memory, and the repetitive chorus is great for learning patterns in sound and structure. And let’s not forget, it’s just plain fun to sing!
Tips for teaching “Oh, Susanna”
Map It Out:
Show kids a map of the United States and trace the journey from Alabama to Louisiana. This helps with geography and gives context to the song.
Musical Instruments:
If you have a banjo, or any other instrument, play along! Or make a homemade banjo with a shoebox and rubber bands to strum along with the tune.
Weather Wonders:
The song mentions different kinds of weather—use this opportunity to talk about weather patterns and extremes. You can even act out the different weather as you sing.
Historical Hats:
Talk about the era when the song was written. What were people wearing? What was happening in America? Dressing up can make history come to life!
Sing and Draw:
After singing, have the kids draw their favorite part of the song. Is it Susanna? The banjo? The journey? It’s a wonderful way to engage with the lyrics creatively.
Sweet Dreams:
The song has a dream in it — ask the kids to share their own sweet dreams, and discuss what dreams can mean. It’s a great way to connect on a personal level.
So, as we wave goodbye to Susanna and her serenading friend, let’s keep the joyful spirit of their song in our hearts. Let’s remember that every tune has a tale, and every note is a step in a dance of history and fun.