Bob's bag

Unzip "Bob's Bag" to discover a treasure trove of new English words! This short story by Studycat packs fun and learning into one.


About the Bob's bag story

In today’s tale, we join Bob and Kitty on a quirky quest full of mix-ups and discoveries. Bob can’t seem to find his things, sparking a search that teaches us about colors, possessions, and the surprise of finding things right where we least expect them. Perfect for young learners, this story is a playful way to practice English and learn about describing objects and colors.

Let’s dive into the adventure and see what Bob and Kitty uncover!

Bob's bag

Bob’s bag

Narrator: Bob can’t find his things.

Bob: Oh no. I can’t find my things.

Kitty: I’ll help.

Narrator: Kitty’s got a pink pencil case.

Kitty: Is this your pencil case?

Bob: No. My pencil case is green.

Narrator: It’s not Bob’s.

Narrator: Kitty’s got a pen.

Kitty: Is this your pen?

Bob: No. My pen is black.

Narrator: It’s not Bob’s.

Narrator: Kitty’s got an eraser.

Kitty: Is this your eraser?

Bob: No, my eraser is pink.

Narrator: It’s not Bob’s.

Narrator: Kitty’s got glue.

Kitty: Is this your glue?

Bob: No, my glue is blue and yellow.

Narrator: It’s not Bob’s.

Bob: Let’s go home.

Narrator: Kitty and Bob walk home.

Kitty: Bob, you’re wearing your bag!

Narrator: Bob is happy. He throws his bag.

Bob: Yay!

Narrator: Bob can’t find his things.

Bob: Oh no. I can’t find my things.

English practice exercises

After exploring Bob and Kitty’s colorful search, here are some engaging exercises to help young learners dive deeper into the story and hone their English skills.

Vocabulary match-up

Match the story words with their meanings:
a. pencil case b. pen c. eraser d. glue e. bag

  1. A container used for storing pencils and other writing instruments
  2. A device used to erase mistakes written in pencil
  3. An adhesive substance used for sticking objects together
  4. A portable container for carrying personal items
  5. An instrument for writing or drawing with ink

Comprehension questions

  1. What is Bob looking for?
    • a) His homework
    • b) His friends
    • c) His things
  2. What color is Bob’s pencil case?
    • a) Pink
    • b) Green
    • c) Black
  3. Where was Bob’s bag all along?
    • a) At school
    • b) On his back
    • c) At Kitty’s house


Vocabulary Match-Up: a. 1, b. 5, c. 2, d. 3, e. 4
Comprehension Questions: 1. c, 2. b, 3. b

This delightful story is not only a fun read but also an excellent way for young learners to practice describing objects, colors, and actions in English. Bob and Kitty’s adventure reminds us that sometimes the answers we’re searching for are closer than we think.

Until our next whimsical adventure, keep looking around (and maybe even on yourself) for new words and lessons in the most unexpected places!

Bob's bag