About the Sombras story
Kitty can’t sleep, but Studycat has a playful solution to make the night less daunting and more enchanting. Together, they dive into the imaginative world of shadow animals, transforming fear into fun. It’s a cozy lesson in creativity, imagination, and the simple joy of childhood games, making it a wonderful story for young learners to practice Spanish and explore descriptive language.
Kitty: No puedo dormir.
Studycat: Mira esto.
Studycat: ¿Qué ves?
Kitty: Veo un ojo y una boca.
Kitty: ¡Es un pato!
Studycat: ¿Qué ves?
Kitty: Veo una cabeza, piernas, y orejas.
Kitty: Es un conejo.
Studycat: ¿Qué ves?
Kitty: Veo una cabeza, orejas, y una boca.
Kitty: Es un perro.
Studycat: ¿Qué ves?
Kitty: Veo un ojo y una boca.
Kitty: Es una gallina.
Kitty: ¿Qué es eso?
Studycat: ¡Oh, no!
Kitty: ¡Es mamá!
Mom: ¡Duérmete!
Kitty: Bueno, mamá.
Spanish practice exercises
Dive into Kitty and Studycat’s shadowy adventure with these exercises designed to encourage young learners to use their imagination and practice their Spanish skills.
Vocabulary match-up
Match the animal shadows with their features:
a. pato b. conejo c. perro d. gallina
- An animal with an eye, legs, and ears
- An animal with an eye and a mouth
- An animal with a head, ears, and a mouth
- An animal known for its head, legs, and fluffy tail
Comprehension questions
- Why can’t Kitty sleep?
- a) It’s too dark.
- b) Kitty is not tired.
- c) Kitty is scared.
- What does Studycat do to help Kitty sleep?
- a) Tells a story
- b) Makes shadow animals
- c) Sings a lullaby
- Who comes in at the end of the story?
- a) Tom
- b) Ali
- c) Mom
Vocabulary Match-Up: a. 2, b. 4, c. 3, d. 2
Comprehension Questions: 1. c, 2. b, 3. c
This gentle story not only brings the magic of imagination into the night but also highlights the comforting power of creativity in overcoming fear. It’s a reminder that sometimes, all it takes to find peace is a change in perspective—and perhaps a few playful shadows on the wall.
Until our next bedtime story, keep exploring the wonders of the world, both seen and unseen, through the lens of language and friendship.