Let's learn about classroom vocabulary in Spanish!

Learn, write, and study! This classroom vocabulary list helps kids name common classroom items and activities in Spanish, making school familiar and fun.

Let's learn about classroom vocabulary

Welcome to the classroom, the exciting hub of learning and discovery!

This is where young minds gather to explore new ideas, solve problems, and create lasting memories with friends and teachers. Every day in the classroom is filled with opportunities to grow, ask questions, and dive deep into subjects that spark curiosity.

For children, understanding the vocabulary associated with the classroom in Spanish is essential for navigating their educational journey with confidence. Studycat’s Learn Spanish app is an amazing method for children to learn Spanish while having a blast at the same time (and can repeatedly practice a lot of the following vocabulary!)

Join us as we explore the essential elements that make up a classroom setting and the Spanish vocabulary associated with them.

Common classroom vocabulary words in Spanish

The classroom is filled with interesting objects, people, and activities. Learning these words will help children communicate better in their educational environment.

Here’s a list of common classroom-related words in Spanish to enhance our vocabulary:

Studycat Test imagetest - examen

examen (pronounced: ehk-SAH-men)

“Mañana, los niños tendrán un examen de matemáticas.”

“Tomorrow, the children will have a math test.”

Studycat Children imagechildren - niños

niños (pronounced: NEE-nyos)

“Los niños levantaron sus manos para responder a la pregunta.”

“The children eagerly raised their hands to answer the question.”

Studycat Teacher imageteacher - maestro/a

maestro/a (pronounced: mah-EHS-troh/trah)

“El maestro explicó la lección claramente en la pizarra.”

“The teacher explained the lesson clearly on the board.”

Studycat Student imagestudent - estudiante

estudiante (pronounced: es-too-dee-AHN-teh)

“Cada estudiante recibió un libro para leer en clase.”

“Each student received a book to read for class.”

Studycat Girl imagegirl - niña

niña (pronounced: NEE-nyah)

“La niña resolvió el rompecabezas rápidamente y compartió su solución con la clase.”

“The girl solved the puzzle quickly and shared her solution with the class.”

Studycat Boy imageboy - niño

niño (pronounced: NEE-nyo)

“El niño dibujó una imagen del sistema solar para su proyecto de ciencias.”

“The boy drew a picture of the solar system for his science project.”

Studycat Classroom2 imageclassroom - aula

aula (pronounced: OW-lah)

“El aula estaba brillante y colorida, llena de carteles educativos.”

“The classroom was bright and colorful, filled with educational posters.”

Studycat Window imagewindow - ventana

ventana (pronounced: ven-TAH-nah)

“La ventana se dejó abierta para que entrara una brisa fresca durante la clase.”

“The window was left open to let in a fresh breeze during class.”

Studycat Door imagedoor - puerta

puerta (pronounced: PWER-tah)

“La puerta del aula estaba decorada con carteles de bienvenida.”

“The door to the classroom was decorated with welcome signs.”

Studycat Floor imagefloor - piso

piso (pronounced: PEE-so)

“Los niños se sentaron en el piso durante la hora del cuento.”

“The children sat on the floor during story time.”

Studycat Board imageboard - pizarra

pizarra (pronounced: pee-SAR-rah)

“El maestro escribió los objetivos del día en la pizarra.”

“The teacher wrote the day’s objectives on the board.”

Studycat Bookcase imagebookcase - estantería

estantería (pronounced: es-tan-teh-REE-ah)

“La estantería en la esquina del aula contenía una variedad de materiales de lectura.”

“The bookcase in the corner of the classroom held a variety of reading materials.”

Names of classroom objects in Spanish

Classroom objects are the tools and materials that students use every day to learn and create. Knowing the names of these items helps children participate more actively in their lessons.

desk - escritorio

escritorio (pronounced: es-kree-TOH-ree-oh)

“Ella ordenó sus libros cuidadosamente sobre el escritorio.”

“She arranged her books neatly on the desk.”

chair - silla

silla (pronounced: SEE-yah)

“La silla era del tamaño perfecto para el estudiante.”

“The chair was just the right size for the student.”

pencil - lápiz

lápiz (pronounced: LAH-peez)

“Él afiló su lápiz antes de comenzar el dibujo.”

“He sharpened his pencil before starting the drawing.”

notebook - cuaderno

cuaderno (pronounced: kwah-DER-noh)

“Ella llenó su cuaderno con notas de la lección de ciencias.”

“She filled her notebook with notes from the science lesson.”

eraser - goma de borrar

goma de borrar (pronounced: GOH-mah deh boh-RRAR)

“Él usó una goma de borrar para corregir sus errores.”

“He used an eraser to correct his mistakes.”

ruler - regla

regla (pronounced: REH-glah)

“Ella usó una regla para dibujar una línea recta en el papel.”

“She used a ruler to draw a straight line across the paper.”

chalk - tiza

tiza (pronounced: TEE-sah)

“El maestro usó tiza para escribir la lección en la pizarra.”

“The teacher used chalk to write the lesson on the board.”

globe - globo terráqueo

globo terráqueo (pronounced: GLOH-boh teh-RRAH-keh-oh)

“Giraron el globo terráqueo para encontrar diferentes países.”

“They spun the globe to find different countries.”

scissors - tijeras

tijeras (pronounced: tee-HEH-ras)

“Ella recortó cuidadosamente las formas con las tijeras.”

“She carefully cut out the shapes with scissors.”

crayons - crayones

crayones (pronounced: krah-YOH-nes)

“Los niños usaron crayones para colorear sus dibujos.”

“The children used crayons to color their pictures.”

People in the classroom vocabulary

The classroom is a community, and understanding the roles of different people helps children feel more connected and supported in their learning environment.

teacher - maestro/a

maestro/a (pronounced: mah-EHS-troh/trah)

“El maestro explicó el problema de matemáticas en la pizarra.” “The teacher explained the math problem on the board.”

student - estudiante

estudiante (pronounced: es-too-dee-AHN-teh)

“Cada estudiante recibió un cuaderno de ejercicios para la nueva lección.”

“Each student received a workbook for the new lesson.”

principal - director/a

director/a (pronounced: dee-rek-TOR/ah)

“El director visitó el aula para hablar sobre las reglas de la escuela.”

“The principal visited the classroom to talk about the school rules.”

classmate - compañero/a de clase

compañero/a de clase (pronounced: kom-pah-NYEH-roh/rah deh KLAH-seh)

“Su compañera de clase la ayudó con el proyecto de ciencias.”

“Her classmate helped her with the science project.”

librarian - bibliotecario/a

bibliotecario/a (pronounced: bee-blee-oh-teh-KAH-ree-oh/ah)

“El bibliotecario sugirió un gran libro para el proyecto de investigación.”

“The librarian suggested a great book for the research project.”

janitor - conserje

conserje (pronounced: kon-SER-heh)

“El conserje mantiene el aula limpia y ordenada.”

“The janitor keeps the classroom clean and tidy.”

counselor - consejero/a

consejero/a (pronounced: kon-seh-HEH-roh/rah)

“El consejero se reunió con los estudiantes para hablar sobre sus metas.”

“The counselor met with students to talk about their goals.”

substitute teacher - maestro/a suplente

maestro/a suplente (pronounced: mah-EHS-troh/trah soo-PLEN-teh)

“El maestro suplente repartió las tareas mientras el maestro regular estaba ausente.”

“The substitute teacher gave out assignments while the regular teacher was away.”

teaching assistant - asistente de enseñanza

asistente de enseñanza (pronounced: ah-sees-TEN-teh deh en-seh-NYAN-sah)

“El asistente de enseñanza ayudó a los estudiantes con su lectura.”

“The teaching assistant helped the students with their reading.”

coach - entrenador/a

entrenador/a (pronounced: en-treh-nah-DOR/ah)

“El entrenador organizó la práctica de fútbol después de la escuela.”

“The coach organized the soccer practice after school.”

Names of learning tools in the classroom

Learning tools are essential for helping students understand and engage with the material. These words describe the items that assist in the educational process.

textbook - libro de texto

libro de texto (pronounced: LEE-broh deh TEKS-toh)

“El libro de texto de historia tenía muchos datos interesantes sobre civilizaciones antiguas.”

“The history textbook had many interesting facts about ancient civilizations.”

workbook - cuaderno de ejercicios

cuaderno de ejercicios (pronounced: kwah-DER-noh deh eh-her-SEE-see-os)

“Los estudiantes completaron los problemas de matemáticas en sus cuadernos de ejercicios.”

“The students completed the math problems in their workbooks.”

calculator - calculadora

calculadora (pronounced: kal-koo-lah-DOH-rah)

“Ella usó una calculadora para verificar su tarea de matemáticas.”

“She used a calculator to check her math homework.”

flashcards - tarjetas de memoria

tarjetas de memoria (pronounced: tar-HEH-tas deh meh-MOH-ree-ah)

“Usaron tarjetas de memoria para memorizar palabras de vocabulario.”

“They used flashcards to memorize vocabulary words.”

whiteboard - pizarra blanca

pizarra blanca (pronounced: pee-SAR-rah BLAHN-kah)

“El maestro escribió el plan de la lección en la pizarra blanca.”

“The teacher wrote the lesson plan on the whiteboard.”

marker - marcador

marcador (pronounced: mar-kah-DOR)

“Ella usó un marcador rojo para resaltar puntos importantes en la pizarra.”

“She used a red marker to highlight important points on the board.”

projector - proyector

proyector (pronounced: proh-yek-TOR)

“El maestro usó un proyector para mostrar un video sobre el espacio.”

“The teacher used a projector to show a video about space.”

stapler - grapadora

grapadora (pronounced: grah-pah-DOH-rah)

“Él usó la grapadora para unir las páginas de su informe.”

“He used the stapler to attach the pages of his report.”

tape - cinta adhesiva

cinta adhesiva (pronounced: SEEN-tah ad-eh-SEE-vah)

“Ella usó cinta adhesiva para colgar su póster en la pared.”

“She used tape to hang her poster on the wall.”

glue - pegamento

pegamento (pronounced: peh-gah-MEN-toh)

“Usaron pegamento para pegar las imágenes al collage.”

“They used glue to attach the pictures to the collage.”

Classroom activities and subjects vocabulary

The classroom is where students engage in various activities and subjects, broadening their knowledge and skills. These words describe common educational pursuits.

reading - lectura

lectura (pronounced: lek-TOO-rah)

“La lectura es una parte importante de nuestra rutina diaria.”

“Reading is an important part of our daily routine.”

writing - escritura

escritura (pronounced: es-kree-TOO-rah)

“Ella practicó su escritura componiendo una historia.”

“She practiced her writing by composing a story.”

math - matemáticas

matemáticas (pronounced: mah-teh-MAH-tee-kas)

“La clase de matemáticas es donde aprendemos a resolver problemas con números.”

“Math class is where we learn to solve problems with numbers.”

science - ciencias

ciencias (pronounced: see-EN-see-as)

“En la clase de ciencias, aprendieron sobre el ciclo del agua.”

“In science class, they learned about the water cycle.”

art - arte

arte (pronounced: AR-teh)

“La clase de arte es donde pueden crear pinturas coloridas.”

“Art class is where they get to create colorful paintings.”

music - música

música (pronounced: MOO-see-kah)

“La clase de música está llena de canto y tocar instrumentos.”

“Music class is filled with singing and playing instruments.”

physical education - educación física

educación física (pronounced: eh-doo-kah-see-ON FEE-see-kah)

“En educación física, juegan juegos que los mantienen activos y saludables.”

“In PE, they play games that keep them active and healthy.”

social studies - estudios sociales

estudios sociales (pronounced: es-TOO-dee-os so-see-AH-les)

“Los estudios sociales les ayudan a entender el mundo y su gente.”

“Social studies helps them understand the world and its people.”

homework - tarea

tarea (pronounced: tah-REH-ah)

“Completaron su tarea antes de salir a jugar.”

“They completed their homework before going outside to play.”

group work - trabajo en grupo

trabajo en grupo (pronounced: trah-BAH-hoh en GROO-poh)

“El trabajo en grupo les ayuda a aprender a cooperar y compartir ideas.”

“Group work helps them learn to cooperate and share ideas.”

Objects around the classroom vocabulary

The classroom environment is where students spend their day learning and interacting. Understanding these words helps children describe the space they’re in and feel more comfortable in their surroundings.

blackboard - pizarra

pizarra (pronounced: pee-SAR-rah)

“La pizarra estaba cubierta de problemas de matemáticas.”

“The blackboard was covered with math problems.”

window - ventana

ventana (pronounced: ven-TAH-nah)

“La ventana del aula ofrecía una vista del patio de recreo.”

“The classroom window provided a view of the playground.”

door - puerta

puerta (pronounced: PWER-tah)

“La puerta del aula estaba decorada con trabajos artísticos de los estudiantes.”

“The classroom door was decorated with student artwork.”

floor - piso

piso (pronounced: PEE-so)

“Se sentaron en el piso durante la hora del cuento.”

“They sat on the floor during story time.”

ceiling - techo

techo (pronounced: TEH-choh)

“El techo estaba decorado con planetas y estrellas colgantes.”

“The ceiling was decorated with hanging planets and stars.”

wall - pared

pared (pronounced: pah-RED)

“La pared estaba cubierta de carteles educativos y gráficos.”

“The wall was covered with educational posters and charts.”

light - luz

luz (pronounced: loos)

“La luz brillante facilitaba ver la pizarra.”

“The bright light made it easy to see the board.”

clock - reloj

reloj (pronounced: reh-LOH)

“El reloj en la pared mostraba que era casi la hora del almuerzo.”

“The clock on the wall showed that it was almost lunchtime.”

poster - cartel

cartel (pronounced: kar-TEL)

“El cartel de ciencias mostraba las diferentes fases de la luna.”

“The science poster showed the different phases of the moon.”

air conditioner - aire acondicionado

aire acondicionado (pronounced: AH-ee-reh ah-kon-dee-see-oh-NAH-doh)

“El aire acondicionado mantenía el aula fresca y cómoda.”

“The air conditioner kept the room cool and comfortable.”

How to learn and remember classroom words in Spanish

Engaging with classroom vocabulary can be both educational and fun with these activities:

  • Classroom labeling: Label objects in a classroom or a similar learning environment at home with their Spanish names to reinforce word recognition.
  • Role-playing: Take turns playing the roles of teacher and student, using the Spanish vocabulary in context.
  • Drawing and describing: Draw a classroom layout and then describe it using the Spanish vocabulary words, focusing on where things are placed.
  • Storytelling in the classroom: Create stories based on a classroom setting, incorporating as many of the Spanish vocabulary words as possible.
  • Classroom scavenger hunt: Organize a scavenger hunt where students find items or features in the classroom corresponding to the Spanish vocabulary words.

The Learn Spanish app by Studycat is an amazing tool for young learners to use to learn Spanish, offering interactive and engaging ways to practice these and many other essential Spanish words. It can complement these activities and provide additional resources for learning Spanish classroom vocabulary.

As we close today’s lesson, remember that every new term learned adds to your ability to communicate and understand the educational space around you in Spanish. Learning a new language opens up new worlds of understanding and connection.

Until our next educational exploration, ¡sigue descubriendo y usando nuevas palabras en el vibrante mundo del aula!

(Keep discovering and using new words in the vibrant world of the classroom!)