Let's learn about food and meals Spanish vocabulary!

Bite into the rich vocabulary of food and meals! From breakfast to dinner, this list spices up Spanish learning with delicious words.


La comida (food) is a universal language that connects us all. From the sizzle of a hot pan to the sweet aroma of a freshly baked cake, food is not just about nourishment—it’s about culture, tradition, and the joy of sharing with others.

For children, learning about different foods and meal times in Spanish is an exciting way to expand their vocabulary while also developing healthy eating habits. Knowing the names of foods and the structure of meals in Spanish helps children express their preferences, understand recipes, and even participate in meal planning in a new language.

Let’s fly into this delicious journey and discover the rich Spanish vocabulary that makes our dining experiences so special!

Food and meals vocabulary in Spanish

The following words are used in Studycat’s Learn Spanish app for kids, where we combine fun, repetition, and an amazingly awesome language learning journey.

Transform mealtime into a feast of learning with these appetizing activities designed to enhance your Spanish vocabulary!

Studycat bread imagebread - pan

pan (pronounced: PAHN)
“El pan es fresco.”
“The bread is fresh.”

Studycat cheese imagecheese - queso

queso (pronounced: KEH-soh)
“Me gusta el queso.”
“I like cheese.”

Studycat pizza imagepizza - pizza

pizza (pronounced: PEET-sah)
“La pizza está deliciosa.”
“The pizza is delicious.”

Studycat rice imagerice - arroz

arroz (pronounced: ah-ROHS)
“El arroz está cocido.”
“The rice is cooked.”

Studycat cake imagecake - torta

torta (pronounced: TOR-tah)
“La torta es de chocolate.”
“The cake is chocolate.”

Studycat soup imagesoup - sopa

Asopa (pronounced: SOH-pah)
“La sopa está caliente.”
“The soup is hot.”

Studycat doughnut imagedoughnut - dona

dona (pronounced: DOH-nah)
“Me comí una dona.”
“I ate a doughnut.”

Studycat hotdog imagehotdog - hotdog

hotdog (pronounced: HOT-dog)
“El hotdog tiene mostaza.”
“The hotdog has mustard.”

Studycat egg imageegg - huevo

huevo (pronounced: WHEH-voh)
“El huevo está frito.”
“The egg is fried.”

Studycat chicken food imagechicken - pollo

pollo (pronounced: POH-yoh)
“El pollo está asado.”
“The chicken is roasted.”

Studycat candy imagecandy - dulce

dulce (pronounced: DOOL-seh)
“Me encanta el dulce.”
“I love candy.”

Studycat noodles imagenoodles - fideos

fideos (pronounced: fee-DEH-ohs)
“Los fideos están listos.”
“The noodles are ready.”

Studycat breakfast imagebreakfast - desayuno

desayuno (pronounced: deh-sah-YOO-no)
The first meal of the day, typically eaten in the morning.
“El desayuno puede incluir huevos, tostadas y café.”
(Breakfast might include eggs, toast, and coffee.)

Studycat lunch imagelunch - almuerzo

almuerzo (pronounced: al-MWER-so)
A meal eaten in the middle of the day, usually lighter than dinner.
“Para el almuerzo, vamos a comer sándwiches y ensalada.”
(For lunch, we’re having sandwiches and salad.)

Studycat dinner imagedinner - cena

cena (pronounced: SEH-nah)
The main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.
“La cena de esta noche será pescado a la parrilla con verduras.”
(Dinner tonight will be grilled fish with vegetables.)

Fruits and vegetables vocabulary in Spanish

Frutas y verduras (fruits and vegetables) are nature’s colorful treats, packed with flavors and nutrients. Learning their names in Spanish helps children appreciate the variety and importance of including them in their daily diet.

apple - manzana

manzana (pronounced: man-SA-na)
A round fruit with a red, green, or yellow skin, often sweet and crisp.
“Ella disfruta de una manzana jugosa como merienda por la tarde.”
(She enjoys a juicy apple as a snack in the afternoon.)

banana - plátano

plátano (pronounced: PLA-ta-no)
A long, curved fruit with a thick yellow skin and soft, sweet flesh inside.
“Él corta un plátano sobre su cereal cada mañana.”
(He slices a banana over his cereal every morning.)

carrot - zanahoria

zanahoria (pronounced: sa-na-O-ria)
A long, orange vegetable that grows underground, often crunchy and sweet.
“Las zanahorias son geniales para comer crudas o añadir a las ensaladas.”
(Carrots are great for munching raw or adding to salads.)

broccoli - brócoli

brócoli (pronounced: BRO-ko-li)
A green vegetable with a thick stalk and a large flowering head, often eaten cooked.
“El brócoli es delicioso al vapor con un poco de mantequilla.”
(Broccoli is delicious steamed with a little butter.)

grapes - uvas

uvas (pronounced: OO-vas)
Small, round fruits that grow in clusters, often sweet and used to make juice or wine.
“Ella empacó un racimo de uvas en su lonchera.”
(She packed a bunch of grapes in her lunchbox.)

tomato - tomate

tomate (pronounced: to-MA-te)
A red or yellow fruit often used as a vegetable in cooking, rich in flavor and juice.
“Los tomates son un ingrediente clave en ensaladas y salsas.”
(Tomatoes are a key ingredient in salads and sauces.)

cucumber - pepino

pepino (pronounced: pe-PI-no)
A long, green vegetable with a crisp texture, often used in salads.
“Los pepinos añaden un crujido refrescante a los sándwiches.”
(Cucumbers add a refreshing crunch to sandwiches.)

strawberry - fresa

fresa (pronounced: FRE-sa)
A small, red fruit with tiny seeds on the outside, sweet and juicy.
“Las fresas son perfectas para decorar postres.”
(Strawberries are perfect for topping desserts.)

lettuce - lechuga

lechuga (pronounced: le-CHU-ga)
A leafy green vegetable often used as a base for salads.
“La lechuga añade un crujido fresco a cualquier comida.”
(Lettuce adds a fresh crunch to any meal.)

potato - patata

patata (pronounced: pa-TA-ta)
A starchy tuber that is a staple food, often boiled, baked, or fried.
“El puré de patatas es una comida reconfortante favorita.”
(Mashed potatoes are a favorite comfort food.)

orange - naranja

naranja (pronounced: na-RAN-ha)
A round, orange citrus fruit known for its sweet, tangy flavor.
“Él pela una naranja para disfrutar de sus jugosos gajos.”
(He peels an orange to enjoy its juicy segments.)

Names of snacks and desserts in Spanish

Los aperitivos y postres (snacks and desserts) are the sweet and savory treats we enjoy between meals or as a special indulgence. These foods add a bit of fun to our day and are perfect for satisfying cravings.

cookies - galletas

galletas (pronounced: ga-YE-tas)
Small, sweet baked treats, often with chocolate chips, nuts, or fruit mixed in.
“Ella horneó un lote de galletas para la venta de pasteles de la escuela.”
(She baked a batch of cookies for the school bake sale.)

ice cream - helado

helado (pronounced: e-LA-do)
A frozen dessert made from cream or milk, available in many flavors.
“El helado es un postre refrescante en un día caluroso de verano.”
(Ice cream is a cool treat on a hot summer day.)

chips - patatas fritas

patatas fritas (pronounced: pa-TA-tas FRI-tas)
Thin slices of potato that are fried or baked until crispy, often eaten as a snack.
“A él le encanta picar patatas fritas mientras ve películas.”
(He loves snacking on chips while watching movies.)

popcorn - palomitas

palomitas (pronounced: pa-lo-MI-tas)
Popped kernels of corn, often seasoned with butter or salt, commonly eaten during movies.
“Las palomitas son imprescindibles en cada noche de cine.”
(Popcorn is a must-have at every movie night.)

cake - pastel

pastel (pronounced: pas-TEL)
A sweet baked dessert, often layered or frosted, served on special occasions.
“Su pastel de cumpleaños era de chocolate con frosting de fresa.”
(Her birthday cake was chocolate with strawberry frosting.)

candy - caramelo

caramelo (pronounced: ka-ra-ME-lo)
Sweet food made with sugar or syrup, often flavored or colored.
“Halloween es un momento perfecto para probar todo tipo de caramelos.”
(Halloween is a perfect time for sampling all sorts of candy.)

muffin - magdalena

magdalena (pronounced: mag-da-LE-na)
A small, round baked good, often sweet and filled with fruit, chocolate, or nuts.
“Las magdalenas de arándanos son su desayuno favorito.”
(Blueberry muffins are her favorite breakfast treat.)

pie - tarta

tarta (pronounced: TAR-ta)
A baked dish with a pastry crust, filled with fruit, meat, or other ingredients.
“Hornearon una tarta de manzana para el postre después de la cena.”
(They baked an apple pie for dessert after dinner.)

crackers - galletas saladas

galletas saladas (pronounced: ga-YE-tas sa-LA-das)
Thin, crisp wafers often eaten with cheese or spreads.
“Ella disfruta de galletas saladas con queso como merienda por la tarde.”
(She enjoys crackers with cheese as an afternoon snack.)

pudding - pudín

pudín (pronounced: pu-DIN)
A creamy dessert, often flavored with vanilla, chocolate, or fruit.
“Él tomó un tazón de pudín de chocolate como postre.”
(He had a bowl of chocolate pudding for dessert.)

Drinks and beverage names in Spanish

Las bebidas (drinks and beverages) are essential for keeping us hydrated and refreshed. They come in many forms, from water and juice to milk and tea, each offering different tastes and benefits.

Let’s learn their Spanish names:

water - agua

agua (pronounced: A-gwa)
A clear, essential liquid that is vital for life, used for drinking and cooking.
“Beber suficiente agua es importante para mantenerse saludable.”
(Drinking plenty of water is important for staying healthy.)

milk - leche

leche (pronounced: LE-che)
A white liquid produced by mammals, commonly consumed as a drink or used in cooking.
“Ella bebe un vaso de leche con su desayuno cada mañana.”
(She drinks a glass of milk with her breakfast every morning.)

juice - zumo

zumo (pronounced: THU-mo)
A drink made from the extraction or pressing of fruits and vegetables.
“Él disfruta de un vaso de zumo de naranja con su desayuno.”
(He enjoys a glass of orange juice with his breakfast.)

tea - té

té (pronounced: teh)
A hot or cold drink made by steeping cured or fresh leaves, often enjoyed with meals.
“El té de la tarde es un descanso relajante durante el día.”
(Afternoon tea is a relaxing break in the day.)

coffee - café

café (pronounced: ka-FE)
A brewed drink made from roasted coffee beans, often enjoyed in the morning.
“Él sorbe su café para despertarse por la mañana.”
(He sips his coffee to wake up in the morning.)

lemonade - limonada

limonada (pronounced: lee-mo-NA-da)
A sweet, tangy drink made from lemon juice, water, and sugar.
“La limonada es refrescante en un día caluroso de verano.”
(Lemonade is refreshing on a hot summer day.)

smoothie - batido

batido (pronounced: ba-TI-do)
A thick, blended drink made from fruits, vegetables, and sometimes yogurt or milk.
“Ella hizo un batido de bayas para una merienda saludable.”
(She made a berry smoothie for a healthy snack.)

soda - refresco

refresco (pronounced: re-FRES-ko)
A carbonated, flavored drink, often sweet and fizzy.
“Bebieron refrescos con sus hamburguesas en la barbacoa.”
(They drank soda with their burgers at the barbecue.)

hot chocolate - chocolate caliente

chocolate caliente (pronounced: cho-ko-LA-te ka-LYEN-te)
A warm drink made from cocoa powder, milk, and sugar, often topped with whipped cream.
“El chocolate caliente es perfecto para calentarse en un día frío.”
(Hot chocolate is perfect for warming up on a cold day.)

Meals and mealtime vocabulary in Spanish

La hora de comer (mealtime) is a special time for gathering with family and friends to enjoy food together. Understanding the vocabulary related to meals helps children describe what they eat and how they share meals throughout the day in Spanish.

breakfast - desayuno

desayuno (pronounced: de-sa-YU-no)
The first meal of the day, typically eaten in the morning.
“El desayuno puede incluir huevos, tostadas y café.”
(Breakfast might include eggs, toast, and coffee.)

lunch - almuerzo

almuerzo (pronounced: al-MWER-so)
A meal eaten in the middle of the day, usually lighter than dinner.
“Para el almuerzo, vamos a comer sándwiches y ensalada.”
(For lunch, we’re having sandwiches and salad.)

dinner - cena

cena (pronounced: SE-na)
The main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.
“La cena de esta noche será pescado a la parrilla con verduras.”
(Dinner tonight will be grilled fish with vegetables.)

snack - merienda

merienda (pronounced: me-RYEN-da)
A small amount of food eaten between meals.
“Él tomó una manzana como merienda después de la escuela.”
(He had an apple as a snack after school.)

brunch - almuerzo tardío

almuerzo tardío (pronounced: al-MWER-so tar-DI-o)
A meal that combines breakfast and lunch, often enjoyed in late morning.
“Fueron a un almuerzo tardío y comieron tortitas y café.”
(They went out for brunch and had pancakes and coffee.)

appetizer - aperitivo

aperitivo (pronounced: a-pe-ri-TI-vo)
A small dish served before the main meal, often to stimulate the appetite.
“Los aperitivos incluían palitos de queso y mini quiches.”
(The appetizers included cheese sticks and mini quiches.)

dessert - postre

postre (pronounced: POS-tre)
A sweet dish served at the end of a meal.
“De postre, tomamos helado y galletas.”
(For dessert, we had ice cream and cookies.)

leftovers - sobras

sobras (pronounced: SO-bras)
Food that remains after a meal, often saved and eaten later.
“Comieron las sobras de la cena para el almuerzo del día siguiente.”
(They had leftovers from dinner for lunch the next day.)

picnic - picnic

picnic (pronounced: PIC-nic)
A meal eaten outdoors, usually consisting of simple, portable foods.
“Prepararon un picnic para disfrutar en el parque.”
(They packed a picnic to enjoy at the park.)

buffet - bufé

bufé (pronounced: bu-FE)
A meal where guests serve themselves from a variety of dishes.
“El hotel ofrecía un bufé de desayuno con muchas opciones.”
(The hotel offered a breakfast buffet with many options.)

How to learn and remember food and meals words in Spanish

Diving into the delicious world of food vocabulary in Spanish with Studycat turns every meal into a learning opportunity. Here are some fun and tasty ways to practice:

  1. Cocinando Juntos: Prepare meals using recipes that include the Spanish vocabulary words, talking about each ingredient as you go.
  2. Diario de Comidas: Keep a diary of what you eat for desayuno, almuerzo, and cena, using the new Spanish words to describe each meal.
  3. Menú con Imágenes: Create a menu with pictures and Spanish names of different foods, then take turns ordering from it.
  4. Fiesta de Degustación: Organize a tasting party with small samples of various foods from the vocabulary list, discussing each one in Spanish.
  5. Etiquetar la Cocina: Label items in your kitchen or dining area with their Spanish names to reinforce learning.

As we conclude our culinary exploration in Spanish, remember that every food item and mealtime brings a chance to savor not just flavors but also new words and expressions. With Studycat’s playful approach, expanding your Spanish vocabulary becomes as enjoyable as sharing a meal with friends.

Until our next flavorful adventure, ¡sigue probando y hablando sobre el maravilloso mundo de la comida y las comidas en español!

(Keep tasting and talking about the wonderful world of food and meals in Spanish!)