Let's learn about hobbies in Spanish!

Unleash creativity and curiosity with our hobbies vocabulary list. Discover the Spanish words for all your favorite pastimes, turning learning into a playful adventure.


¡Hola, amigos! Ready to explore the exciting world of hobbies in Spanish? Hobbies are more than just pastimes—they’re a way for children to explore their interests, develop new skills, and express their creativity. Whether it’s playing an instrument, painting a masterpiece, or collecting treasures, hobbies play a crucial role in a child’s growth and happiness.
As children discover what they love to do in their free time, they learn valuable lessons about patience, perseverance, and self-expression. These activities can turn into lifelong passions that enrich their lives in countless ways.
Let’s pounce on a world of hobbies and learn how to talk about them in Spanish!

Names of hobbies in Spanish

Hobbies offer us a chance to unwind, learn new skills, and connect with others who share our interests. The following words for hobbies in Spanish are used in Studycat’s Learn Spanish for kids app, where we incorporate tons of fun, repetition, all in a giant adventure where millions of kids around the world love playing!

Here’s a look at some enjoyable hobbies to inspire your leisure time in Spanish:

Studycat take photos imagetake photos - tomar fotos

tomar fotos (pronounced: toh-MAR FOH-tohs)
“A ella le encanta tomar fotos de la naturaleza y los animales en sus caminatas.”
“She loves to take photos of nature and animals on her hikes.”

Studycat play the piano imageplay the piano - tocar el piano

tocar el piano (pronounced: toh-KAR el pee-AH-noh)
“Él toca el piano todas las tardes, llenando la casa de hermosas melodías.”
“He plays the piano every evening, filling the house with beautiful melodies.”

Studycat watch movies imagewatch movies - ver películas

ver películas (pronounced: ver peh-LEE-koo-las)
“Ven películas juntos los fines de semana como una tradición familiar.”
“They watch movies together on weekends as a family tradition.”

Studycat sing songs imagesing songs - cantar canciones

cantar canciones (pronounced: kan-TAR kan-see-OH-nes)
“A ella le encanta cantar canciones en la ducha o cuando está sola en su habitación.”
“She loves to sing songs in the shower or when she’s alone in her room.”

Studycat draw pictures imagedraw pictures - dibujar

dibujar (pronounced: dee-boo-HAR)
“Él dibuja a sus personajes de dibujos animados favoritos con gran habilidad.”
“He draws pictures of his favorite cartoon characters with great skill.”

Studycat listen to music imagelisten to music - escuchar música

escuchar música (pronounced: es-koo-CHAR MOO-see-ka)
“Escucho música mientras trabajo; me ayuda a concentrarme y sentirme relajado.”
“I listen to music while I work; it helps me concentrate and feel relaxed.”

Creative hobbies names in Spanish

Creative hobbies allow us to express ourselves through art, craft, and imagination. These activities help develop fine motor skills, encourage out-of-the-box thinking, and bring joy through the act of creation.

Let’s explore some creative hobbies in Spanish:

painting - pintar

pintar (pronounced: pin-TAR)
“Ella pasa horas pintando paisajes llenos de colores vibrantes.”
“She spends hours painting landscapes full of vibrant colors.”

crafting - hacer manualidades

hacer manualidades (pronounced: ah-SER mah-noo-ah-lee-DAH-des)
“Ella disfruta haciendo manualidades con aviones modelo de kits.”
“She enjoys crafting model airplanes from kits.”

knitting - tejer

tejer (pronounced: teh-HER)
“Ella tejió una bufanda caliente para el invierno.”
“She knitted a warm scarf for winter.”

scrapbooking - hacer álbumes de recortes

hacer álbumes de recortes (pronounced: ah-SER AL-boo-mes de reh-KOR-tes)
“Hicieron un hermoso álbum de recortes lleno de recuerdos familiares.”
“They made a beautiful scrapbook filled with family memories.”

sculpting - esculpir

esculpir (pronounced: es-kool-PEER)
“Él esculpió una pequeña estatua de arcilla.”
“He sculpted a small statue out of clay.”

origami - origami

origami (pronounced: oh-ree-GAH-mee)
“A ella le encanta hacer grullas y flores de origami.”
“She loves making origami cranes and flowers.”

jewelry making - hacer joyería

hacer joyería (pronounced: ah-SER hoh-yeh-REE-ah)
“Ella hace sus propios collares y pulseras como pasatiempo.”
“She makes her own necklaces and bracelets as a hobby.”

sewing - coser

coser (pronounced: koh-SER)
“Él aprendió a coser para hacer disfraces para obras escolares.”
“He learned sewing to make costumes for school plays.”

pottery - alfarería

alfarería (pronounced: al-fah-reh-REE-ah)
“Ella toma clases de alfarería para hacer sus propios platos.”
“She takes pottery classes to make her own dishes.”

Collecting hobbies in Spanish

Collecting hobbies involve gathering and organizing items of interest. These activities teach patience, attention to detail, and the joy of finding rare or unique objects.

Let’s learn about some collecting hobbies in Spanish:

collect stamps - coleccionar sellos

coleccionar sellos (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR SEH-yos)
“Ella colecciona sellos de diferentes países.”
“She collects stamps from different countries.”

collect coins - coleccionar monedas

coleccionar monedas (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR moh-NEH-das)
“Él tiene una colección de monedas antiguas.”
“He has a collection of old coins.”

collect postcards - coleccionar postales

coleccionar postales (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR pos-TAH-les)
“Ella envía postales a sus amigos de todo el mundo.”
“She sends postcards to her friends all around the world.”

collect toys - coleccionar juguetes

coleccionar juguetes (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR hoo-GWEH-tes)
“Él colecciona juguetes de acción de sus películas favoritas.”
“He collects action figures from his favorite movies.”

collect action figures - coleccionar figuras de acción

coleccionar figuras de acción (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR fee-GOO-ras de ak-SYON)
“Ella tiene una gran colección de figuras de acción de superhéroes.”
“She has a large collection of superhero action figures.”

collect seashells - coleccionar conchas marinas

coleccionar conchas marinas (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR KON-chas ma-REE-nas)
“Él colecciona conchas marinas durante sus viajes a la playa.”
“He collects seashells during his beach trips.”

collect stickers - coleccionar pegatinas

coleccionar pegatinas (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR peh-ga-TEE-nas)
“Ella colecciona pegatinas de sus personajes de dibujos animados favoritos.”
“She collects stickers of her favorite cartoon characters.”

collect trading cards - coleccionar cromos

coleccionar cromos (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR KRO-mos)
“Él colecciona cromos de fútbol y los intercambia con sus amigos.”
“He collects soccer trading cards and swaps them with his friends.”

collect comic books - coleccionar cómics

coleccionar cómics (pronounced: ko-lek-see-oh-NAR KO-miks)
“Ella tiene una gran colección de cómics de superhéroes.”
“She has a large collection of superhero comic books.”

Exploring hobbies not only enhances our free time but also develops our creativity, emotional well-being, and social connections. Studycat’s friendly characters encourage us to try new activities and discover what brings us joy and fulfillment, all while learning Spanish!

How to learn and remember hobby words in Spanish

Incorporating hobbies into our learning journey with Studycat turns vocabulary into an experience of joy and personal growth. Here are some engaging ways to practice these new Spanish words:

  1. Hobby journal: Create a hobby journal in Spanish, documenting your experiences trying different hobbies, using the vocabulary words to describe what you did, saw, and felt.
  2. Hobby sharing day: Organize a day where friends or family members share their hobbies with each other, explaining what they do and why they enjoy it, using Spanish words.
  3. Hobby collage: Make a hobby collage with pictures from magazines or printed images that represent different hobbies and label them with the corresponding Spanish words.
  4. Hobby matching game: Play a matching game where you match Spanish hobby words with pictures or descriptions of the activities.
  5. Explore hobbies together: Pick a new hobby from the list to try out as a group or family, discussing what you learned and liked about the experience in Spanish.

As we put down our lápices (pencils), cámaras (cameras), and controles remotos (remote controls), remember that hobbies are the threads that weave the tapestry of our lives with color, texture, and vibrancy. With Studycat’s imaginative approach, learning about hobbies in Spanish becomes an exciting adventure that mirrors the joy of exploring our interests and passions.

Until our next delightful discovery, keep exploring new hobbies and the words that bring them to life in Spanish! Or as we say, “¡Hasta nuestro próximo descubrimiento encantador, sigue explorando nuevos pasatiempos y las palabras que les dan vida en español!”