Let's learn about places around town in Spanish!

Explore your town in Spanish! This vocabulary list helps kids learn names of common places around town, making language learning practical and fun.

Places around town vocabulary in Spanish

¡Hola, amigos! Are you ready to explore the town in Spanish? Discovering the places around town is like opening a treasure map filled with exciting locations to learn about! Each corner of our town has something special to offer, whether it’s a cozy spot for a snack, a lively park for play, or a quiet library for reading.

For children, learning about these places in Spanish is not just about recognizing where things are, but also about understanding how they contribute to our everyday lives and the community around us. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to build Spanish vocabulary!

Let’s take a walk through the town and discover the Spanish words that make each place an important part of our community!

Places around town vocabulary list in Spanish

Understanding the names and functions of places around town in Spanish enhances our ability to interact with and enjoy our community. Studycat’s Learn Spanish for kids app includes the following words, where children are able to learn and remember them through constant repetition and awesome fun.

Here’s a guide to some key locations that make a town special, in Spanish:

Studycat School imageschool - escuela

escuela (pronounced: es-KWEH-la)
“Los niños llevan sus mochilas a la escuela todas las mañanas.”
“Children carry their backpacks to school every morning.”

Studycat Park imagepark - parque

parque (pronounced: PAR-keh)
“El parque está lleno de árboles y tiene un área de juegos para niños.”
“The park is full of trees and has a playground for kids.”

Studycat Playground imageplayground - patio de recreo

patio de recreo (pronounced: PA-tee-oh de reh-kreh-OH)
“El patio de recreo está equipado con toboganes y columpios.”
“The playground is equipped with slides and swings.”

Studycat Restaurant imagerestaurant - restaurante

restaurante (pronounced: res-tow-RAN-teh)
“La familia disfrutó de la cena en su restaurante favorito.”
“The family enjoyed dinner at their favorite restaurant.”

Studycat Shop imageshop - tienda

tienda (pronounced: tee-EN-da)
“Ella compró un hermoso vestido en la tienda local.”
“She bought a beautiful dress from the local shop.”

Studycat Street imagestreet - calle

calle (pronounced: KA-yeh)
“La calle principal está llena de tiendas y cafés.”
“The main street is lined with shops and cafes.”

Names of public buildings in Spanish

Public services are essential to the functioning of any town, providing safety, health, and convenience to its residents. Understanding these locations in Spanish helps children recognize the important roles they play in the community.

post office - oficina de correos

oficina de correos (pronounced: oh-fee-SEE-na de ko-REH-os)
“Ella fue a la oficina de correos para enviar una tarjeta de cumpleaños a su amiga.”
“She went to the post office to mail a birthday card to her friend.”

fire station - estación de bomberos

estación de bomberos (pronounced: es-ta-SYON de bom-BE-ros)
“La estación de bomberos está justo a la vuelta de la esquina de nuestra casa.”
“The fire station is just around the corner from our house.”

police station - comisaría

comisaría (pronounced: ko-mee-sa-REE-a)
“Visitaron la comisaría en una excursión escolar para aprender sobre seguridad.”
“They visited the police station on a school field trip to learn about safety.”

hospital - hospital

hospital (pronounced: os-pee-TAL)
“El hospital es donde los médicos y enfermeras ayudan a las personas a recuperarse.”
“The hospital is where doctors and nurses help people get better.”

library - biblioteca

biblioteca (pronounced: bee-blee-o-TE-ka)
“Ella va a la biblioteca cada semana para sacar libros nuevos.”
“She goes to the library every week to check out new books.”

town hall - ayuntamiento

ayuntamiento (pronounced: a-yoon-ta-MYEN-to)
“El ayuntamiento es donde se toman decisiones importantes sobre la comunidad.”
“The town hall is where important decisions about the community are made.”

courthouse - juzgado

juzgado (pronounced: hooz-GA-do)
“El juzgado es un lugar donde la gente va a resolver disputas.”
“The courthouse is a place where people go to resolve disputes.”

community center - centro comunitario

centro comunitario (pronounced: SEN-tro ko-moo-nee-TA-ryo)
“El centro comunitario ofrece clases de arte y actividades deportivas para niños.”
“The community center offers art classes and sports activities for kids.”

post box - buzón

buzón (pronounced: boo-SON)
“Él echó la carta en el buzón de camino a la escuela.”
“He dropped the letter into the post box on his way to school.”

bus stop - parada de autobús

parada de autobús (pronounced: pa-RA-da de ow-to-BOOS)
“Ella espera en la parada de autobús todas las mañanas para ir a la escuela.”
“She waits at the bus stop every morning to go to school.”

Names of shopping and dining places in Spanish

Shopping and dining are activities that bring us together, whether we’re picking up groceries, buying new clothes, or enjoying a meal out. These places are central to our social life and daily routine. Let’s learn their names in Spanish!

supermarket - supermercado

supermercado (pronounced: soo-per-mer-KA-do)
“Fueron al supermercado a comprar ingredientes para la cena.”
“They went to the supermarket to buy ingredients for dinner.”

bakery - panadería

panadería (pronounced: pa-na-de-REE-a)
“Le encanta ir a la panadería por croissants frescos por la mañana.”
“She loves going to the bakery for fresh croissants in the morning.”

pharmacy - farmacia

farmacia (pronounced: far-MA-sya)
“Él recogió su receta en la farmacia después de la escuela.”
“He picked up his prescription from the pharmacy after school.”

grocery store - tienda de comestibles

tienda de comestibles (pronounced: tee-EN-da de ko-mes-TEE-bles)
“La tienda de comestibles de la esquina tiene los mejores productos frescos.”
“The grocery store around the corner has the best fresh produce.”

cafe - café

café (pronounced: ka-FE)
“Se encontraron en el café para tomar un refrigerio y charlar por la tarde.”
“They met at the cafe for an afternoon snack and a chat.”

market - mercado

mercado (pronounced: mer-KA-do)
“El mercado está lleno de gente comprando frutas y verduras frescas.”
“The market is bustling with people buying fresh fruits and vegetables.”

butcher shop - carnicería

carnicería (pronounced: kar-nee-se-REE-a)
“Ella compró unos filetes en la carnicería para la barbacoa del fin de semana.”
“She bought some steaks from the butcher shop for the weekend barbecue.”

toy store - juguetería

juguetería (pronounced: hoo-ge-te-REE-a)
“Él gastó su paga en una nueva figura de acción en la juguetería.”
“He spent his allowance on a new action figure at the toy store.”

clothing store - tienda de ropa

tienda de ropa (pronounced: tee-EN-da de RO-pa)
“Ella compró un vestido nuevo en su tienda de ropa favorita.”
“She bought a new dress from her favorite clothing store.”

restaurant - restaurante

restaurante (pronounced: res-tow-RAN-te)
“Celebraron su cumpleaños con una cena en un bonito restaurante.”
“They celebrated his birthday with dinner at a nice restaurant.”

Recreation and entertainment places in Spanish

Recreation and entertainment spots are where we go to have fun, relax, and enjoy ourselves. These places are vital for building social connections and unwinding after a busy day. Let’s learn their Spanish names!

cinema - cine

cine (pronounced: SEE-ne)
“Fueron al cine a ver la última película animada.”
“They went to the cinema to watch the latest animated movie.”

playground - parque infantil

parque infantil (pronounced: PAR-ke in-fan-TEEL)
“El parque infantil es su lugar favorito para jugar después de la escuela.”
“The playground is her favorite place to play after school.”

park - parque

parque (pronounced: PAR-ke)
“Pasaron la tarde haciendo un picnic en el parque.”
“They spent the afternoon having a picnic in the park.”

sports center - centro deportivo

centro deportivo (pronounced: SEN-tro de-por-TEE-vo)
“Él toma clases de natación en el centro deportivo.”
“He takes swimming lessons at the sports center.”

zoo - zoológico

zoológico (pronounced: so-o-LO-hee-ko)
“Vieron leones y jirafas en el zoológico.”
“They saw lions and giraffes at the zoo.”

swimming pool - piscina

piscina (pronounced: pee-SEE-na)
“Ella practica su natación en la piscina local.”
“She practices her swimming at the local swimming pool.”

skating rink - pista de patinaje

pista de patinaje (pronounced: PEES-ta de pa-tee-NA-he)
“Fueron a la pista de patinaje para una divertida tarde de patinaje sobre hielo.”
“They went to the skating rink for a fun afternoon of ice skating.”

amusement park - parque de atracciones

parque de atracciones (pronounced: PAR-ke de a-trak-SYO-nes)
“El parque de atracciones tiene montañas rusas, norias y juegos divertidos.”
“The amusement park has roller coasters, ferris wheels, and fun games.”

museum - museo

museo (pronounced: moo-SE-o)
“Visitaron el museo de ciencias para aprender sobre dinosaurios.”
“They visited the science museum to learn about dinosaurs.”

bowling alley - bolera

bolera (pronounced: bo-LE-ra)
“Él hizo un pleno en la bolera.”
“He scored a strike at the bowling alley.”

Names of travel and transport places in Spanish

Travel and transport locations are essential for getting around town and beyond. Knowing these places in Spanish helps children understand how we move from one place to another and the services that support travel.

train station - estación de tren

estación de tren (pronounced: es-ta-SYON de tren)
“Tomaron el tren desde la estación para visitar a sus abuelos.”
“They took the train from the station to visit their grandparents.”

airport - aeropuerto

aeropuerto (pronounced: a-e-ro-PWER-to)
“El aeropuerto estaba lleno de viajeros que se dirigían a diferentes destinos.”
“The airport was busy with travelers heading to different destinations.”

bus station - estación de autobuses

estación de autobuses (pronounced: es-ta-SYON de ow-to-BOO-ses)
“La estación de autobuses estaba llena de gente esperando sus autobuses.”
“The bus station was crowded with people waiting for their buses.”

taxi stand - parada de taxis

parada de taxis (pronounced: pa-RA-da de TAK-sis)
“Tomaron un taxi en la parada fuera del hotel.”
“They hailed a taxi at the stand outside the hotel.”

gas station - gasolinera

gasolinera (pronounced: ga-so-lee-NE-ra)
“Se detuvieron en la gasolinera para llenar el coche de camino al parque.”
“They stopped at the gas station to fill up the car on the way to the park.”

parking lot - estacionamiento

estacionamiento (pronounced: es-ta-syo-na-MYEN-to)
“Encontraron un lugar en el estacionamiento cerca de la tienda.”
“They found a spot in the parking lot near the store.”

car rental - alquiler de coches

alquiler de coches (pronounced: al-kee-LER de KO-ches)
“Alquilaron un coche para su viaje por carretera en el servicio de alquiler de coches.”
“They rented a car for their road trip from the car rental service.”

ferry terminal - terminal de ferry

terminal de ferry (pronounced: ter-mee-NAL de FE-rry)
“Abordaron el ferry en la terminal para cruzar el río.”
“They boarded the ferry at the terminal to cross the river.”

bike shop - tienda de bicicletas

tienda de bicicletas (pronounced: tee-EN-da de bee-see-KLE-tas)
“Él llevó su bicicleta a la tienda de bicicletas para una revisión.”
“He took his bike to the bike shop for a tune-up.”

subway station - estación de metro

estación de metro (pronounced: es-ta-SYON de ME-tro)
“Tomaron el metro desde la estación hasta el centro de la ciudad.”
“They took the subway from the station to the city center.”

Discovering these places helps us understand and appreciate the structure and pulse of our town in Spanish. Studycat’s friends guide us through each location, making the journey both fun and educational!

How to learn and remember words about places in Spanish

Learning about places around town in Spanish with Studycat involves more than just memorization—it’s about engaging with our environment in meaningful ways. Here are a few strategies to help remember these new Spanish words:

  1. Explore local maps: Look at maps of your town with your child and point out different places with their Spanish name.
  2. Role-playing game**:** Pretend to visit various places around town and talk about what you can do at each location, using Spanish words.
  3. Treasure hunt: Create a scavenger hunt that includes finding different places in your town or neighborhood, using their Spanish names.
  4. Draw maps**:** Have children draw a map of their town and label different places in Spanish.
  5. Tell stories**:** Make up stories that involve different town locations to help solidify their Spanish names and functions through practice.

As we finish our tour of the town, remember that every place we’ve learned about today plays a vital role in the community. Until our next urban adventure, keep discovering and discussing the wonderful places around your town in Spanish!

¡Sigue descubriendo y hablando sobre los maravillosos lugares de tu ciudad en español!

(Keep discovering and talking about the wonderful places in your city in Spanish!)