Let's learn about school bag vocabulary in Spanish!

Pack, carry, and learn! This school bag vocabulary list helps kids identify common items found in their school bags in Spanish, preparing them for school success.

School bag vocabulary in Spanish

La mochila escolar (the school bag) is like a portable toolkit that students carry with them every day, packed with all the essentials they need for a successful day of learning. From writing tools to snacks, everything in a school bag has a purpose, helping students stay organized, prepared, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes their way.

Knowing the names and uses of these everyday items in Spanish empowers them to manage their schoolwork and participate fully in their classes while expanding their language skills.

Let’s unzip those mochilas and explore the must-have items that every student should carry, all while learning Spanish!

School bag vocabulary list in Spanish

Packing the right items in a school bag can make a big difference in a student’s day. Here’s a list of essential school bag items and their purposes in Spanish:

Studycat Pencil imagepencil - lápiz

lápiz (pronounced: LAH-pees)
“Escribo con un lápiz.”
“I write with a pencil.”

Studycat pen imagepen - pluma

pluma (pronounced: PLOO-mah)
“Firmo el papel con una pluma.”
“I sign the paper with a pen.”

Studycat Eraser imageeraser - borrador

borrador (pronounced: boh-rah-DOR)
“Uso el borrador para borrar.”
“I use the eraser to erase.”

Studycat Ruler imageruler - regla

regla (pronounced: REH-glah)
“Mido con la regla.”
“I measure with the ruler.”

Studycat Book imagebook - libro

libro (pronounced: LEE-broh)
“Leo un libro interesante.”
“I read an interesting book.”

Studycat Paper imagepaper - papel

papel (pronounced: pah-PEL)
“Dibujo en el papel.”
“I draw on the paper.”

Studycat pencil case imagepencil case - caja de lápices

caja de lápices (pronounced: KAH-hah deh LAH-pee-sehs)
“Guardo mis lápices en la caja de lápices.”
“I keep my pencils in the pencil case.”

Studycat Crayon imagecrayon - crayón

crayón (pronounced: krah-YOHN)
“Coloreo con un crayón.”
“I color with a crayon.”

Studycat Glue imageglue - pegamento

pegamento (pronounced: peh-gah-MEN-toh)
“Uso pegamento para pegar papel.”
“I use glue to stick paper.”

Studycat Scissors imagescissors - tijeras

tijeras (pronounced: tee-HEH-rahs)
“Corto papel con tijeras.”
“I cut paper with scissors.”

Writing and drawing tools words in Spanish

Writing and drawing tools are essential items in any school bag, allowing students to take notes, complete assignments, and express their creativity. These tools are the building blocks of every school day. Let’s learn their names in Spanish:

pencil - lápiz

lápiz (pronounced: LAH-pees)
A tool for writing or drawing, typically made of wood and graphite.
“Cada estudiante necesita un lápiz para escribir notas y resolver problemas de matemáticas.”
(Every student needs a pencil for writing notes and solving math problems.)

pen - bolígrafo

bolígrafo (pronounced: bo-LEE-gra-fo)
A writing instrument that uses ink to leave a mark on paper.
“Ella usa un bolígrafo para completar su tarea de manera ordenada.”
(She uses a pen to complete her homework neatly.)

eraser - goma de borrar

goma de borrar (pronounced: GO-ma de bo-RRAR)
A small object used to remove pencil marks from paper.
“Él usó una goma de borrar para corregir un error en su dibujo.”
(He used an eraser to fix a mistake in his drawing.)

ruler - regla

regla (pronounced: RE-gla)
A straight-edged tool used for measuring and drawing straight lines.
“La regla le ayuda a dibujar líneas rectas para su tarea de geometría.”
(The ruler helps her draw straight lines for her geometry assignment.)

crayon - crayón

crayón (pronounced: kra-YON)
A stick of colored wax used for drawing and coloring.
“Los niños usaron crayones para crear dibujos coloridos en la clase de arte.”
(The children used crayons to create colorful pictures in art class.)

marker - marcador

marcador (pronounced: mar-ka-DOR)
A pen with a broad, felt tip used for writing or coloring.
“Ella resaltó puntos importantes en sus notas con un marcador.”
(She highlighted important points in her notes with a marker.)

sharpener - sacapuntas

sacapuntas (pronounced: sa-ka-POON-tas)
A small device used to sharpen the tip of a pencil.
“Él siempre guarda un sacapuntas en su estuche para cuando su lápiz se desafila.”
(He always keeps a sharpener in his pencil case for when his pencil gets dull.)

highlighter - resaltador

resaltador (pronounced: re-sal-ta-DOR)
A pen with translucent ink used to mark important text.
“Ella usó un resaltador para enfatizar información clave en su libro de texto.”
(She used a highlighter to emphasize key information in her textbook.)

colored pencils - lápices de colores

lápices de colores (pronounced: LAH-pee-ses de ko-LO-res)
Pencils with colored lead used for drawing and coloring.
“Él usó lápices de colores para agregar detalles a su proyecto de mapa.”
(He used colored pencils to add detail to his map project.)

whiteboard marker - marcador de pizarra

marcador de pizarra (pronounced: mar-ka-DOR de pee-SA-rra)
A marker used on whiteboards, erasable and perfect for classroom work.
“Ella trajo su propio marcador de pizarra para actividades grupales en clase.”
(She brought her own whiteboard marker for group activities in class.)

Organizational tools names in Spanish

Staying organized is crucial for students, and these tools help keep their schoolwork and supplies in order. These items ensure that everything has its place, making it easy to find what’s needed during the school day. Let’s learn their Spanish names:

pencil case - estuche

estuche (pronounced: es-TOO-che)
A small container used to hold writing and drawing tools.
“Su estuche está lleno de bolígrafos y lápices coloridos.”
(Her pencil case is filled with colorful pens and pencils.)

folder - carpeta

carpeta (pronounced: kar-PE-ta)
A folded cover or holder for organizing and protecting papers.
“Él guarda todos sus papeles importantes en una carpeta para mantenerse organizado.”
(He keeps all his important papers in a folder to stay organized.)

notebook - cuaderno

cuaderno (pronounced: kwa-DER-no)
A book of blank or ruled pages for writing notes.
“Ella escribe todas sus tareas en su cuaderno.”
(She writes all her homework assignments in her notebook.)

binder - archivador

archivador (pronounced: ar-chee-va-DOR)
A sturdy cover with rings for holding loose-leaf paper and dividers.
“El archivador mantiene todas sus notas de clase en un solo lugar.”
(The binder keeps all his class notes in one place.)

planner - agenda

agenda (pronounced: a-HEN-da)
A book or digital tool used to schedule and track assignments, tests, and activities.
“Ella usa una agenda para llevar un registro de todas sus tareas escolares y actividades extracurriculares.”
(She uses a planner to keep track of all her schoolwork and extracurricular activities.)

sticky notes - notas adhesivas

notas adhesivas (pronounced: NO-tas ad-e-SEE-vas)
Small, adhesive-backed notes used for reminders and bookmarking.
“Él usa notas adhesivas para marcar páginas importantes en sus libros de texto.”
(He uses sticky notes to mark important pages in his textbooks.)

clip - clip

clip (pronounced: kleep)
A metal or plastic device used to hold papers together.
“Ella usó un clip para mantener juntas su hoja de trabajo y sus notas.”
(She used a clip to keep her worksheet and notes together.)

ziplock bag - bolsa con cierre

bolsa con cierre (pronounced: BOL-sa kon sye-RRE)
A resealable plastic bag used to store small items or snacks.
“Ella guarda sus materiales de arte en una bolsa con cierre para evitar derrames.”
(She keeps her art supplies in a ziplock bag to prevent spills.)

label - etiqueta

etiqueta (pronounced: e-tee-KE-ta)
A small piece of paper or sticker used to identify the contents of a container or folder.
“Él puso una etiqueta en cada carpeta para saber a qué materia pertenece.”
(He put a label on each folder to know which subject it belongs to.)

name tag - etiqueta con nombre

etiqueta con nombre (pronounced: e-tee-KE-ta kon NOM-bre)
A tag or label used to display a student’s name, often attached to their belongings.
“Ella puso una etiqueta con nombre en su mochila para que no se perdiera.”
(She put a name tag on her school bag so it wouldn’t get lost.)

Learning these Spanish words for organizational tools will help students keep their school supplies in order while expanding their language skills.

Learning materials vocabulary in Spanish

Learning materials are the core of a student’s academic toolkit. These items support their studies and help them engage with their lessons more effectively.

Let’s explore their names in Spanish:

textbook - libro de texto

libro de texto (pronounced: LEE-bro de TEX-to)
A book containing detailed information on a particular subject, used as a study resource.
“El libro de texto de historia está lleno de datos interesantes e ilustraciones.”
(The history textbook is full of interesting facts and illustrations.)

workbook - cuaderno de ejercicios

cuaderno de ejercicios (pronounced: kwa-DER-no de e-her-SEE-syos)
A book of exercises and practice activities that complement classroom learning.
“Él completó los ejercicios en su cuaderno de ejercicios de matemáticas.”
(He completed the exercises in his math workbook.)

flashcards - tarjetas de memoria

tarjetas de memoria (pronounced: tar-HE-tas de me-MO-rya)
Cards bearing information on both sides, used as a learning aid.
“Ella usó tarjetas de memoria para memorizar palabras de vocabulario para el examen.”
(She used flashcards to memorize vocabulary words for the test.)

handouts - folletos

folletos (pronounced: fo-YE-tos)
Printed sheets or packets given to students with information or assignments.
“El profesor repartió folletos con el plan de la lección del día.”
(The teacher passed out handouts with the day’s lesson plan.)

calculator - calculadora

calculadora (pronounced: kal-ku-la-DO-ra)
A device used for performing mathematical calculations.
“Él usó una calculadora para resolver problemas matemáticos complejos.”
(He used a calculator to solve complex math problems.)

reading book - libro de lectura

libro de lectura (pronounced: LEE-bro de lek-TU-ra)
A book selected for reading during free time or as part of an assignment.
“Ella siempre lleva un libro de lectura para cuando termina su trabajo temprano.”
(She always carries a reading book for when she finishes her work early.)

dictionary - diccionario

diccionario (pronounced: deek-syo-NA-ryo)
A reference book containing words listed alphabetically with their meanings.
“Él buscó palabras nuevas en el diccionario durante la clase de inglés.”
(He looked up new words in the dictionary during English class.)

glue stick - barra de pegamento

barra de pegamento (pronounced: BA-rra de pe-ga-MEN-to)
A solid adhesive used for pasting paper and light materials.
“Ella usó una barra de pegamento para pegar imágenes en su proyecto.”
(She used a glue stick to attach pictures to her project.)

flash drive - memoria USB

memoria USB (pronounced: me-MO-rya U-S-B)
A small electronic device used for storing digital files.
“Él guardó su presentación en una memoria USB para llevarla a la escuela.”
(He saved his presentation on a flash drive to bring to school.)

chart - gráfico

gráfico (pronounced: GRA-fee-ko)
A visual representation of data, often used as a study tool.
“El gráfico científico le ayudó a entender el ciclo del agua.”
(The science chart helped him understand the water cycle.)

Personal care and safety items vocabulary in Spanish

Students also carry items that help them stay clean, healthy, and safe during the school day. These essentials ensure they are comfortable and ready for anything that comes their way.

Let’s learn their Spanish names:

water bottle - botella de agua

botella de agua (pronounced: bo-TE-ya de A-gwa)
A container used for holding and drinking water.
“Ella lleva una botella de agua para mantenerse hidratada durante todo el día.”
(She carries a water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the day.)

lunchbox - fiambrera

fiambrera (pronounced: fyam-BRE-ra)
A container used to carry a meal to school.
“Él empacó su sándwich favorito en su fiambrera.”
(He packed his favorite sandwich in his lunchbox.)

hand sanitizer - desinfectante de manos

desinfectante de manos (pronounced: de-sin-fek-TAN-te de MA-nos)
A gel or liquid used to clean hands without water.
“Ella usó desinfectante de manos antes de comer el almuerzo.”
(She used hand sanitizer before eating lunch.)

tissues - pañuelos de papel

pañuelos de papel (pronounced: pa-NYWE-los de pa-PEL)
Soft paper used for wiping the nose or face.
“Él guarda un paquete de pañuelos de papel en su mochila para cuando tiene resfriado.”
(He keeps a pack of tissues in his bag for when he has a cold.)

mask - mascarilla

mascarilla (pronounced: mas-ka-REE-ya)
A face covering used for protection against illness or pollution.
“Ella usa una mascarilla en lugares concurridos para mantenerse segura.”
(She wears a mask in crowded places to stay safe.)

band-aids - tiritas

tiritas (pronounced: tee-REE-tas)
Adhesive bandages used for covering small cuts or injuries.
“Él tiene tiritas en su mochila en caso de pequeños rasguños.”
(He has band-aids in his bag in case of small scrapes.)

sunscreen - protector solar

protector solar (pronounced: pro-tek-TOR so-LAR)
A lotion or spray used to protect the skin from sunburn.
“Ella se aplica protector solar antes de las actividades al aire libre para proteger su piel.”
(She applies sunscreen before outdoor activities to protect her skin.)

snacks - merienda

merienda (pronounced: me-RYEN-da)
Light food items carried for eating between meals.
“Él siempre trae meriendas saludables como fruta o nueces para el recreo.”
(He always brings healthy snacks like fruit or nuts for recess.)

How to learn and remember school bag items in Spanish

Engaging with the vocabulary of school bag items in Spanish can be educational and enjoyable with these activities:

  1. Pack a backpack: Practice packing a school bag with all the essential items, discussing each one’s use in Spanish.
  2. Matching game**:** Create a matching game with pictures of school bag items and their Spanish names.
  3. Draw objects: Draw or color pictures of school bag items and label them in Spanish.
  4. Role-playing game**:** Pretend to go shopping for school supplies, choosing items from the list and discussing their uses in Spanish.
  5. Create a checklist: Make a checklist of school bag items in Spanish to use when packing for school to ensure nothing is forgotten.

As we zip up our exploration of school bag essentials in Spanish, remember that each item plays a key role in a student’s academic toolkit. Learning these words not only helps in organizing school supplies but also in building Spanish language skills.

Until our next session, ¡sigue explorando y empacando tu mochila con todos los elementos esenciales para un gran día de aprendizaje!

(Keep exploring and packing your school bag with all the essentials for a great day of learning!)