Let's learn about sea animals in Spanish!

Dive, swim, and explore! This sea animals vocabulary list introduces kids to marine life in Spanish, sparking curiosity about the ocean and its inhabitants.

Sea animals vocabulary in Spanish

El océano (the ocean) is a vast and mysterious world, teeming with life that captures our imagination and curiosity. From the tiniest shrimp to the largest whales, the sea is home to an incredible variety of creatures, each with their own unique characteristics and roles in the underwater ecosystem.
For children, exploring the vocabulary of sea animals in Spanish is a fun way to dive into the wonders of the ocean. By learning these words, they can better describe the creatures they see in books, documentaries, or even at the beach, and develop a deeper connection with the natural world while enhancing their Spanish language skills.
Join us as we explore the vocabulary of sea animals in Spanish and learn more about these wonderful inhabitants of the ocean.

Sea animals in Spanish vocabulary list

El océano (the ocean) teems with life, offering us a chance to learn about a variety of interesting sea creatures. The following sea animal-related words are part of the Studycat Learn Spanish app for kids, designed to make learning about marine life both fun and educational.
Here’s a list of common sea animals and a brief description of each in Spanish:

Studycat Shrimp2 imageshrimp - camarón

camarón (pronounced: kah-mah-ROHN)
“El camarón es pequeño.”
“The shrimp is small.”

Studycat Fish imagefish - pescado

pescado (pronounced: pehs-KAH-doh)
“El pescado nada en el agua.”
“The fish swims in the water.”

Studycat Shark2 imageshark - tiburón

tiburón (pronounced: tee-boo-ROHN)
“El tiburón es grande.”
“The shark is big.”

Studycat Whale1 imagewhale - ballena

ballena (pronounced: bah-YEH-nah)
“La ballena es enorme.”
“The whale is huge.”

Studycat Octopus imageoctopus - pulpo

pulpo (pronounced: POOL-poh)
“El pulpo tiene ocho brazos.”
“The octopus has eight arms.”

Studycat Crab2 imagecrab - cangrejo

cangrejo (pronounced: kahn-GREH-hoh)
“El cangrejo camina de lado.”
“The crab walks sideways.”

Studycat Dolphin imagedolphin - delfín

delfín (pronounced: dehl-FEEN)
“El delfín es muy inteligente.”
“The dolphin is very intelligent.”

Studycat Turtle imageturtle - tortuga

tortuga (pronounced: tor-TOO-gah)
“La tortuga es lenta.”
“The turtle is slow.”

Studycat Penguin imagepenguin - pingüino

pingüino (pronounced: peen-GWEE-noh)
“El pingüino vive en el hielo.”
“The penguin lives on the ice.”

Studycat Seal imageseal - foca

foca (pronounced: FOH-kah)
“La foca juega en el agua.”
“The seal plays in the water.”

Studycat Jellyfish imagejellyfish - medusa

medusa (pronounced: meh-DOO-sah)
“La medusa flota en el mar.”
“The jellyfish floats in the sea.”

Studycat Lobster imagelobster - langosta

langosta (pronounced: lahn-GOH-stah)
“La langosta es roja.”
“The lobster is red.”

Names of small sea animals in Spanish

El océano (the ocean) is full of small creatures that play big roles in the marine ecosystem. These tiny but mighty animals are fascinating to learn about, as they contribute to the balance of life in the sea. Let’s explore their names in Spanish:

shrimp - camarón

camarón (pronounced: ka-ma-RON)
A small, slender marine animal with a long body and primarily swims backward.
“Los camarones son el alimento favorito de muchas criaturas marinas más grandes.”
(Shrimp are a favorite food for many larger sea creatures.)

crab - cangrejo

cangrejo (pronounced: kan-GRE-ho)
A marine animal with a hard shell, two stalked eyes, and five pairs of legs.
“Los cangrejos a menudo caminan de lado por el fondo del océano.”
(Crabs often walk sideways along the ocean floor.)

jellyfish - medusa

medusa (pronounced: me-DU-sa)
A gelatinous zooplankton with a bell-shaped body and trailing tentacles.
“Las medusas flotan a través del agua, moviéndose con las corrientes.”
(Jellyfish drift through the water, moving with the currents.)

starfish - estrella de mar

estrella de mar (pronounced: es-TRE-ya de mar)
A star-shaped echinoderm with five or more arms.
“Las estrellas de mar pueden regenerar brazos perdidos, lo que las hace únicas entre las criaturas marinas.”
(Starfish can regenerate lost arms, making them unique among sea creatures.)

sea urchin - erizo de mar

erizo de mar (pronounced: e-RI-so de mar)
A small, spiny marine animal with a round, hard shell.
“Los erizos de mar usan sus espinas para protegerse de los depredadores.”
(Sea urchins use their spines to protect themselves from predators.)

plankton - plancton

plancton (pronounced: PLANK-ton)
Tiny marine organisms that float in the water and serve as a food source for many sea animals.
“El plancton es la base de la cadena alimentaria del océano.”
(Plankton are the foundation of the ocean’s food chain.)

sea anemone - anémona de mar

anémona de mar (pronounced: a-NE-mo-na de mar)
A soft-bodied, flower-like marine animal with stinging tentacles.
“Las anémonas de mar a menudo forman relaciones simbióticas con los peces payaso.”
(Sea anemones often form symbiotic relationships with clownfish.)

barnacle - percebe

percebe (pronounced: per-SE-be)
A small marine crustacean that attaches itself permanently to surfaces like rocks or ships.
“Los percebes a menudo se encuentran adheridos a los cascos de los barcos.”
(Barnacles are often found clinging to the hulls of boats.)

coral - coral

coral (pronounced: ko-RAL)
A marine invertebrate that forms large colonies, creating coral reefs.
“Los arrecifes de coral son hábitats vitales para muchas especies marinas.”
(Coral reefs are vital habitats for many marine species.)

sea sponge - esponja de mar

esponja de mar (pronounced: es-PON-ha de mar)
A simple, porous marine animal that filters water for nutrients.
“Las esponjas de mar son algunas de las criaturas vivas más antiguas del océano.”
(Sea sponges are some of the oldest living creatures in the ocean.)

Large sea animals in Spanish

Los animales marinos grandes (large sea animals) are some of the most awe-inspiring creatures in the ocean. These giants of the deep play crucial roles in their environments and captivate our imaginations. Let’s learn their names in Spanish:

whale - ballena

ballena (pronounced: ba-YE-na)
A massive marine mammal that breathes air through a blowhole on top of its head.
“Las ballenas son conocidas por sus impresionantes migraciones a través de los océanos.”
(Whales are known for their impressive migrations across oceans.)

shark - tiburón

tiburón (pronounced: tee-bu-RON)
A large, powerful marine predator known for its sharp teeth and streamlined body.
“Los tiburones son vitales para mantener el equilibrio en los ambientes marinos.”
(Sharks are vital to maintaining the balance in marine environments.)

dolphin - delfín

delfín (pronounced: del-FIN)
A highly intelligent marine mammal known for its playful behavior and communication skills.
“Los delfines a menudo nadan en grupos llamados manadas.”
(Dolphins often swim in groups called pods.)

sea lion - león marino

león marino (pronounced: le-ON ma-RI-no)
A large marine mammal with external ear flaps and long, strong flippers.
“Los leones marinos son excelentes nadadores y pueden bucear profundamente en el océano.”
(Sea lions are excellent swimmers and can dive deep into the ocean.)

walrus - morsa

morsa (pronounced: MOR-sa)
A large marine mammal with long tusks and a distinctive mustache.
“Las morsas usan sus colmillos para arrastrarse sobre los témpanos de hielo.”
(Walruses use their tusks to pull themselves onto ice floes.)

orca - orca

orca (pronounced: OR-ka)
Also known as a killer whale, a powerful predator that hunts in packs.
“Las orcas son animales altamente sociales y viven en grupos familiares muy unidos.”
(Orcas are highly social animals and live in close-knit family groups.)

giant squid - calamar gigante

calamar gigante (pronounced: ka-la-MAR hi-GAN-te)
A deep-sea creature known for its enormous size and long tentacles.
“El calamar gigante es uno de los invertebrados más grandes del océano.”
(The giant squid is one of the largest invertebrates in the ocean.)

manta ray - manta raya

manta raya (pronounced: MAN-ta RA-ya)
A large, flat-bodied fish with wide, wing-like fins.
“Las mantas rayas se deslizan con gracia por el agua, a menudo cerca de la superficie.”
(Manta rays glide gracefully through the water, often near the surface.)

beluga whale - ballena beluga

ballena beluga (pronounced: ba-YE-na be-LU-ga)
A small, white whale known for its vocalizations and friendly nature.
“Las ballenas beluga a menudo son llamadas ‘canarios del mar’ debido a sus cantos.”
(Beluga whales are often called ‘canaries of the sea’ because of their songs.)

sperm whale - cachalote

cachalote (pronounced: ka-cha-LO-te)
A large whale known for its deep diving abilities and massive head.
“Los cachalotes son los depredadores con dientes más grandes de la Tierra.”
(Sperm whales are the largest toothed predators on Earth.)

Learning these Spanish words for small and large sea creatures will help you describe the amazing diversity of marine life. Remember to practice using these words in sentences to reinforce your learning and improve your Spanish vocabulary!

Sea birds and amphibious creatures vocabulary in Spanish

Some creatures live both on land and in the sea or spend much of their time near the water. These animals are adapted to life in both environments, making them unique members of the marine community. Let’s learn their Spanish names:

penguin - pingüino

pingüino (pronounced: pin-GWI-no)
A flightless bird that is highly adapted to life in the water.
“Los pingüinos usan sus aletas para nadar rápidamente a través del agua.”
(Penguins use their flippers to swim quickly through the water.)

seal - foca

foca (pronounced: FO-ka)
A marine mammal with sleek fur and flippers that enable it to navigate in water.
“Las focas pueden contener la respiración durante largos períodos mientras bucean.”
(Seals can hold their breath for long periods while diving.)

sea turtle - tortuga marina

tortuga marina (pronounced: tor-TU-ga ma-RI-na)
A marine reptile with a bony or leathery shell that protects it from predators.
“Las tortugas marinas regresan a la playa donde nacieron para poner sus huevos.”
(Sea turtles return to the beach where they were born to lay their eggs.)

pelican - pelícano

pelícano (pronounced: pe-LI-ka-no)
A large water bird known for its long beak and throat pouch.
“Los pelícanos recogen peces en sus grandes picos mientras vuelan sobre el agua.”
(Pelicans scoop up fish in their large beaks while flying over the water.)

albatross - albatros

albatros (pronounced: al-BA-tros)
A large seabird with long wings, known for its ability to glide over the ocean for long distances.
“Los albatros son conocidos por su increíble resistencia al volar.”
(Albatrosses are known for their incredible flying endurance.)

frigatebird - fragata

fragata (pronounced: fra-GA-ta)
A seabird with long wings and a distinctive red throat pouch.
“Las fragatas son hábiles para arrebatar comida a otras aves en pleno vuelo.”
(Frigatebirds are skilled at snatching food from other birds in mid-air.)

Deep-sea creatures vocabulary in Spanish

Las criaturas de las profundidades marinas (deep-sea creatures) are some of the most mysterious and unusual animals on Earth. These animals live in the darkest, coldest parts of the ocean, where conditions are extreme. Let’s explore their Spanish names:

anglerfish - rape

rape (pronounced: RA-pe)
A deep-sea fish known for its bioluminescent lure used to attract prey.
“El señuelo brillante del rape cuelga frente a su boca, listo para atrapar peces desprevenidos.”
(The anglerfish’s glowing lure dangles in front of its mouth, ready to catch unsuspecting fish.)

giant isopod - isópodo gigante

isópodo gigante (pronounced: i-SO-po-do hi-GAN-te)
A large, armored crustacean that lives in the deep ocean.
“Los isópodos gigantes están relacionados con las cochinillas pero pueden crecer mucho más.”
(Giant isopods are related to pill bugs but can grow much larger.)

vampire squid - calamar vampiro

calamar vampiro (pronounced: ka-la-MAR vam-PI-ro)
A deep-sea creature with webbed arms that resemble a cape.
“El calamar vampiro recibe su nombre por su color oscuro y sus brazos con membranas.”
(The vampire squid gets its name from its dark color and webbed arms.)

gulper eel - pez pelícano

pez pelícano (pronounced: pes pe-LI-ka-no)
A deep-sea fish with an enormous mouth, used to swallow prey whole.
“La boca del pez pelícano puede abrirse lo suficiente como para comer criaturas mucho más grandes que él mismo.”
(The gulper eel’s mouth can open wide enough to eat creatures much larger than itself.)

lanternfish - pez linterna

pez linterna (pronounced: pes lin-TER-na)
A small, bioluminescent fish that lives in the deep sea.
“Los peces linterna brillan en las aguas oscuras de las profundidades marinas.”
(Lanternfish glow in the dark waters of the deep sea.)

Coral reef creatures vocabulary in Spanish

Los arrecifes de coral (coral reefs) are some of the most diverse ecosystems in the world, home to a wide variety of colorful and vibrant sea creatures. These animals rely on the coral reefs for food, shelter, and protection. Let’s learn their Spanish names:

clownfish - pez payaso

pez payaso (pronounced: pes pa-YA-so)
A small, brightly colored fish often found living among sea anemones.
“Los peces payaso y las anémonas de mar tienen una relación simbiótica.”
(Clownfish and sea anemones have a symbiotic relationship.)

parrotfish - pez loro

pez loro (pronounced: pes LO-ro)
A colorful fish known for its beak-like teeth, which it uses to scrape algae from coral.
“Los peces loro juegan un papel crucial en el mantenimiento de la salud de los arrecifes de coral.”
(Parrotfish play a crucial role in maintaining the health of coral reefs.)

moray eel - morena

morena (pronounced: mo-RE-na)
A long, snake-like fish that hides in crevices within coral reefs.
“Las morenas son conocidas por sus dientes afilados y mandíbulas poderosas.”
(Moray eels are known for their sharp teeth and powerful jaws.)

butterflyfish - pez mariposa

pez mariposa (pronounced: pes ma-ri-PO-sa)
A small, brightly colored fish often found in coral reefs.
“Los peces mariposa son fácilmente reconocibles por sus colores y patrones vibrantes.”
(Butterflyfish are easily recognized by their vibrant colors and patterns.)

seahorse - caballito de mar

caballito de mar (pronounced: ka-ba-YI-to de mar)
A small, horse-shaped marine animal that swims upright.
“Los caballitos de mar son únicos en que los machos llevan y dan a luz a las crías.”
(Seahorses are unique in that the males carry and give birth to the young.)

How to learn and remember sea animals in Spanish

Here are some engaging ways to help kids learn and remember the names and characteristics of different sea animals in Spanish:

  1. Ocean diorama:** Create a diorama of an ocean scene using figures and crafts of various sea animals, labeling each in Spanish.
  2. Memory game:** Play a matching game with cards that have pictures of sea animals and their Spanish names.
  3. Excursion: If possible, visit an aquarium to see some of these sea animals up close and practice their Spanish names.
  4. Storytelling: Make up stories that include different sea animals and their adventures in the ocean, using their Spanish names.
  5. Coloring pages:** Use coloring pages of sea animals to reinforce their Spanish names and features as children color.

As we conclude our underwater voyage, remember that each sea animal you learn about in Spanish adds depth to your understanding of the world’s oceans and enhances your language skills.

Until our next marine adventure, ¡sigue explorando y aprendiendo sobre las fascinantes criaturas del mar en español!
(Keep exploring and learning about the fascinating creatures of the sea in Spanish!)