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Vehicles are an essential part of our daily lives, helping us move from place to place, carry goods, and explore the world. From the familiar cars we see every day to the boats that sail across the water, learning the names of these vehicles in Spanish can be a fun and exciting way to expand your vocabulary. Whether you’re a parent helping your child learn or a learner yourself, understanding these words can spark curiosity and open the door to new adventures.
In this guide, we’ll explore the names of various vehicles in Spanish, giving you a chance to practice and use them in real-life situations. By learning these words, you’ll be able to talk about the vehicles you see every day with confidence.
Names of Vehicles in Spanish
The following vehicle words are part of the Studycat Learn Spanish app for kids, designed to make learning about transportation fun and interactive. By practicing these words, children can enhance their understanding of how different vehicles help us in our daily lives and journeys.
Here’s a guide to some common vehicles that keep the world moving:
car - automóvil
automóvil (pronounced: ahw-toh-MOH-beel)
“El automóvil es rojo.”
“The car is red.”
bus - autobús
autobús (pronounced: ow-toh-BOOS)
“El autobús escolar es amarillo.”
“The school bus is yellow.”
truck - camión
camión (pronounced: kah-MYOHN)
“El camión lleva muchas cajas.”
“The truck carries many boxes.”
motorbike - motocicleta
motocicleta (pronounced: moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah)
“Ella monta su motocicleta rápida.”
“She rides her fast motorbike.”
bicycle - bicicleta
bicicleta (pronounced: bee-see-KLEH-tah)
“Me gusta andar en bicicleta en el parque.”
“I like riding my bicycle in the park.”
boat - barco
barco (pronounced: BAR-koh)
“El barco navega en el mar.”
“The boat sails on the sea.”
train - tren
tren (pronounced: tren)
“El tren llega a la estación.”
“The train arrives at the station.”
airplane - avión
avión (pronounced: ah-vee-ON)
“El avión vuela alto en el cielo.”
“The airplane flies high in the sky.”
helicopter - helicóptero
helicóptero (pronounced: eh-lee-KOP-teh-roh)
“El helicóptero aterriza en el techo.”
“The helicopter lands on the roof.”
Land vehicles in Spanish
Land vehicles are the most common types of transportation we see every day, moving people and goods across roads, tracks, and fields. Learning these words helps children describe the vehicles they encounter in their daily lives.
car - automóvil
automóvil (pronounced: ahw-toh-MOH-beel)
“El automóvil es rojo.”
“The car is red.”
bus - autobús
autobús (pronounced: ahw-toh-BOOS)
“El autobús escolar recoge a los niños todas las mañanas.”
“The school bus picks up students every morning.”
truck - camión
camión (pronounced: kah-MYOHN)
“El camión de reparto trajo muebles nuevos a nuestra casa.”
“The delivery truck brought new furniture to our house.”
motorbike - motocicleta
motocicleta (pronounced: moh-toh-see-KLEH-tah)
“Él fue al café en su motocicleta.”
“He rode his motorbike to the café.”
bicycle - bicicleta
bicicleta (pronounced: bee-see-KLEH-tah)
“Ella monta su bicicleta a la escuela todos los días.”
“She rides her bicycle to school every morning.”
scooter - escúter
escúter (pronounced: ehs-KOO-tehr)
“Él monta su escúter al parque los fines de semana.”
“He enjoys riding his scooter around the neighborhood.”
tractor - tractor
tractor (pronounced: trahk-TOHR)
“El agricultor usa un tractor para arar los campos.”
“The farmer uses a tractor to plow the fields.”
van - furgoneta
furgoneta (pronounced: foohr-goh-NEH-tah)
“Alquilaron una furgoneta para su viaje por carretera.”
“They rented a van for their road trip.”
jeep - jeep
jeep (pronounced: jep)
“El jeep manejó el terreno accidentado con facilidad.”
“The jeep handled the rough terrain with ease.”
skateboard - monopatín
monopatín (pronounced: moh-noh-pah-TEEN)
“Él monta su monopatín en el parque todos los días.”
“He rides his skateboard at the park every day.”
Water vehicles in Spanish
Water vehicles are designed to travel on or under water, helping us explore rivers, lakes, and oceans. These words introduce children to the different types of vessels they might encounter on the water.
boat - barco
barco (pronounced: BAHR-koh)
“Alquilamos un barco para un día relajante en el lago.”
“They rented a boat for a relaxing day on the lake.”
ship - barco
barco (pronounced: BAHR-koh)
“El barco de crucero navegó por el océano hasta las islas tropicales.”
“The cruise ship sailed across the ocean to the tropical islands.”
submarine - submarino
submarino (pronounced: soob-mah-REE-noh)
“El submarino se sumergió en el océano para explorar la vida marina.”
“The submarine dove deep into the ocean to explore marine life.”
canoe - canoa
canoa (pronounced: kah-NOH-ah)
“Remaron en la canoa río abajo.”
“They paddled the canoe down the river.”
kayak - kayak
kayak (pronounced: KAH-yahk)
“Le gusta hacer kayak en las aguas tranquilas de la bahía.”
“She enjoys kayaking in the calm waters of the bay.”
ferry - ferry
ferry (pronounced: FEH-ree)
“Tomaron el ferry para cruzar el río.”
“They took the ferry to cross the river.”
yacht - yate
yate (pronounced: YAH-teh)
“Pasaron el fin de semana en un yate navegando por la costa.”
“They spent the weekend on a yacht sailing the coast.”
jet ski - moto acuática
moto acuática (pronounced: moh-toh ah-KWAH-tee-kah)
“Se divirtió montando la moto acuática en la playa.”
“He had fun riding the jet ski at the beach.”
rowboat - bote de remos
bote de remos (pronounced: BOH-teh deh REH-mohs)
“Tomaron un bote de remos en el lago para una tarde tranquila.”
“They took a rowboat out on the lake for a peaceful afternoon.”
sailboat - velero
velero (pronounced: veh-LEH-roh)
“El velero se deslizó suavemente por la bahía con el viento.”
“The sailboat glided smoothly across the bay with the wind.”
Air vehicles in Spanish
Air vehicles take us high into the sky, allowing us to travel long distances quickly or explore from above. These words help children describe the various types of aircraft they may see or dream about.
airplane - avión
avión (pronounced: ah-VYOHN)
“El avión despegó a tiempo para su vuelo a Londres.”
“The airplane took off smoothly and headed toward the clouds.”
helicopter - helicóptero
helicóptero (pronounced: eh-lee-KOH-peh-tehr-oh)
“El helicóptero voló sobre la ciudad, ofreciendo una vista impresionante.”
“The helicopter flew over the city, offering a bird’s-eye view.”
glider - planeador
planeador (pronounced: plah-neh-ah-DOHR)
“El planeador se deslizó silenciosamente sobre las montañas.”
“The glider soared silently above the mountains.”
hot air balloon - globo aerostático
globo aerostático (pronounced: GLOH-boh ahy-roh-STAH-tee-koh)
“Flotaron sobre el campo en un colorido globo aerostático.”
“They floated above the countryside in a colorful hot air balloon.”
jet - avión a reacción
avión a reacción (pronounced: ah-VYOHN ah reh-AHK-see-ohn)
“El avión a reacción cruzó el cielo a una velocidad increíble.”
“The jet zoomed across the sky at incredible speed.”
biplane - biplano
biplano (pronounced: bee-PLAH-noh)
“El biplano realizó acrobacias y vueltas en el espectáculo aéreo.”
“The biplane performed loops and tricks at the airshow.”
parachute - paracaídas
paracaídas (pronounced: pah-rah-KAH-ee-dahs)
“Saltó del avión y aterrizó con seguridad con su paracaídas.”
“He jumped out of the airplane and safely landed with his parachute.”
drone - dron
dron (pronounced: drohn)
“El dron voló sobre el parque, capturando imágenes aéreas.”
“The drone flew over the park, capturing aerial footage.”
hang glider - ala delta
ala delta (pronounced: AH-lah DEHL-tah)
“El ala delta se deslizó graciosamente desde la cima de la colina.”
“The hang glider drifted gracefully down from the hilltop.”
blimp - dirigible
dirigible (pronounced: dee-ree-HEE-bleh)
“El dirigible flotó sobre el estadio durante el juego.”
“The blimp hovered above the stadium during the game.”
Railway vehicles in Spanish
Rail vehicles are used for transporting people and goods along tracks, often providing a scenic and efficient way to travel. These words introduce children to the different types of trains and rail systems.
train - tren
tren (pronounced: TREHN)
“El tren llegó a la estación justo a tiempo.”
“The train arrived at the station right on time.”
subway - metro
metro (pronounced: MEH-troh)
“Tomaron el metro para llegar rápidamente al centro de la ciudad.”
“They took the subway to get downtown quickly.”
tram - tranvía
tranvía (pronounced: trahn-VEE-ah)
“El tranvía los llevó por las concurridas calles de la ciudad.”
“The tram took them through the busy streets of the city.”
locomotive - locomotora
locomotora (pronounced: loh-koh-moh-TOH-rah)
“La potente locomotora arrastraba el largo tren por las montañas.”
“The powerful locomotive pulled the long train through the mountains.”
freight train - tren de carga
tren de carga (pronounced: TREHN deh KAHR-gah)
“El tren de carga transportó mercancías por todo el país.”
“The freight train carried cargo across the country.”
monorail - monorraíl
monorraíl (pronounced: moh-noh-RAH-eel)
“El monorraíl los llevó en un recorrido panorámico por encima de la ciudad.”
“The monorail took them on a scenic ride above the city.”
high-speed train - tren de alta velocidad
tren de alta velocidad (pronounced: TREHN deh AHL-tah veh-loh-see-DAHD)
“Tomaron el tren de alta velocidad para viajar rápidamente entre ciudades.”
“They took the high-speed train to travel between cities quickly.”
streetcar - tranvía
tranvía (pronounced: trahn-VEE-ah)
“El tranvía sonó mientras avanzaba por la calle.”
“The streetcar clanged as it made its way down the street.”
cable car - teleférico
teleférico (pronounced: teh-leh-FEH-ree-koh)
“El teleférico subió la empinada colina sin esfuerzo.”
“The cable car climbed up the steep hill effortlessly.”
bullet train - tren bala
tren bala (pronounced: TREHN BAH-lah)
“Se maravillaron de la rapidez con la que el tren bala cruzaba el campo.”
“They marveled at how fast the bullet train sped through the countryside.”
Emergency vehicles in Spanish
Emergency vehicles are crucial for public safety, providing rapid response in critical situations. These words help children recognize the vehicles that come to the rescue when needed.
ambulance - ambulancia
ambulancia (pronounced: ahm-boo-LAHN-syah)
“La ambulancia corrió hacia la escena del accidente.”
“The ambulance raced to the scene of the accident.”
fire truck - camión de bomberos
camión de bomberos (pronounced: kah-MYOHN deh bohm-BEH-rohs)
“El camión de bomberos llegó para apagar el incendio.”
“The fire truck arrived to put out the blaze.”
police car - coche de policía
coche de policía (pronounced: KOH-cheh deh poh-lee-SEE-ah)
“El coche de policía aceleró por la calle con la sirena encendida.”
“The police car sped down the street with its siren blaring.”
rescue boat - bote de rescate
bote de rescate (pronounced: BOH-teh deh reh-SKAH-teh)
“El bote de rescate salvó a los nadadores atrapados.”
“The rescue boat saved the stranded swimmers.”
tow truck - grúa
grúa (pronounced: GROO-ah)
“La grúa se llevó el coche averiado.”
“The tow truck hauled away the broken-down car.”
snowplow - quitanieves
quitanieves (pronounced: kee-tah-NYEV-ehs)
“El quitanieves despejó las calles después de la gran nevada.”
“The snowplow cleared the streets after the big snowstorm.”
fire engine - camión de bomberos
camión de bomberos (pronounced: kah-MYOHN deh bohm-BEH-rohs)
“El camión de bomberos lanzó agua sobre las llamas.”
“The fire engine blasted water onto the flames.”
hazmat truck - camión de materiales peligrosos
camión de materiales peligrosos (pronounced: kah-MYOHN deh mah-teh-ree-AH-lehs peh-lee-GROH-sohs)
“El camión de materiales peligrosos fue llamado para limpiar el derrame químico.”
“The hazmat truck was called to clean up the chemical spill.”
lifeguard truck - camión de salvavidas
camión de salvavidas (pronounced: kah-MYOHN deh sahl-vah-VEE-dahs)
“El camión de salvavidas llegó rápidamente al nadador en peligro.”
“The lifeguard truck quickly reached the swimmer in distress.”
emergency helicopter - helicóptero de emergencia
helicóptero de emergencia (pronounced: eh-lee-KOH-peh-tehr-oh deh eh-mehr-HEHN-see-ah)
“El helicóptero de emergencia aterrizó en el techo del hospital para entregar al paciente.”
“The emergency helicopter landed on the hospital roof to deliver the patient.”
How to learn and remember vehicle words in Spanish
Vehicles are everywhere, and learning about them in Spanish can be just as exciting as taking a trip. Here are some interactive ways to engage with these vehicle words:
- Vehicle spotting: Take a trip and try to spot different types of vehicles. Discuss what each vehicle is used for and practice saying their names in Spanish.
- Vehicle drawing: Draw different vehicles and label them with their names in Spanish. This can help reinforce word recognition.
- **Toy vehicles: **Play with toy models of buses, trucks, and airplanes to learn their functions and features in Spanish.
- Story time: Make up stories that involve different vehicles, describing their parts and the journeys they take, all in Spanish.
- Visit transportation hubs: If possible, visit a bus station, airport, or train station to see some of these vehicles in action and practice their names in Spanish.
As we conclude our exploration of vehicles in Spanish, remember that each new word you learn helps you communicate more about the world around you. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be talking about all kinds of vehicles with confidence in Spanish!
Until our next adventure, ¡sigue observando y aprendiendo sobre los increíbles vehículos que viajan por tierra, agua y aire!
(Keep watching and learning about the incredible vehicles that travel by land, water, and air!)